Bin Packing Problem (1DBPP)



Does anyone have an Excel template that performs optimization to solve the
"Bin Packing Problem". In the simplest example assume I produce orange juice
and each day of the week I will have a different total volume. Once I know
the volume i have I want to prepare 3 different size containers for shipping
the juice, making the most efficient use of the containers with the least air
space left over. I need to know how many of each size container to prepare in
advance. Looking for something a bit more optimal than best-fit or
decreasing-fit algorithms.


The two other algorithms I can think as follows

1) Try every possibility
2) Make a model of the problem. Run the model 1000 times usin
random inputs (amount of OJ) and get the results. Then chang
parameters (size of containers) and run the model again. Repea
process. The solution is the results with the optimum results.

I took a Gradute Engineering course on modeling where the teacher sai
modeling is sometimes the only method to solve complicated statistica

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