Birthday reminders have disappeared



Can anyone help with the issue? I've just copied/pasted from James
original entry since it's the exact same thing that's happening to me:


March 13, 2008: I'm using Entourage 2008 (12.0.1) with Exchange 2007
as well as
Outlook 2007. If I enter a birthday for a contact via Outlook, a
reoccurring calendar reminder is automatically added to my Exchange
calendar. As soon as Entourage syncs with Exchange, I get an overdue
reminder via MyDay. Suddenly, Entourage wipes out the calendar entry
in Exchange/Outlook. This is occurring over and over, no matter how
many birthdays I enter into my contacts. I'm certain it's Entourage
removing the entires, as its on a MBP and not always running (like my
desktop is).

Has anyone encountered this problem before? Any suggestions for
preventing this from happening? Or do I need to chalk this up to one
more reason to not use Entourage with Exchange? I wonder what else
I'm losing from my calendar...


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