I keep details of my members at my skate park in a worksheet. Dates o
birth are entered and then I am using the following formula t
calculate ages:
=DATEDIF(J252,NOW(),"y") & " years, " & DATEDIF(J252,NOW(),"ym") &
months, " & DATEDIF(J252,NOW(),"md") & " days"
so that my answer reads ? years ? months, ? days.
What I would like to do is have 1.) a formula which calculates th
average age and also 2.) one which can easily identify who's birthda
it is on todays date or better still a formulae which identifie
members who's birthday is due in 30 days time (so we can offer birthda
party options 30 days in advance)
Any help would be appreciated as I am now getting out of my depth.
As a reward, if you are ever in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, come skat
birth are entered and then I am using the following formula t
calculate ages:
=DATEDIF(J252,NOW(),"y") & " years, " & DATEDIF(J252,NOW(),"ym") &
months, " & DATEDIF(J252,NOW(),"md") & " days"
so that my answer reads ? years ? months, ? days.
What I would like to do is have 1.) a formula which calculates th
average age and also 2.) one which can easily identify who's birthda
it is on todays date or better still a formulae which identifie
members who's birthday is due in 30 days time (so we can offer birthda
party options 30 days in advance)
Any help would be appreciated as I am now getting out of my depth.
As a reward, if you are ever in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, come skat