Bizarre Exchange/Entourage date mess


Andrew Levin


I've looked everywhere to no avail on this topic...

In May I moved 15 years of Eudora mail over to Entourage, using it as a POP3
client. No problems!

Then this week I was connected to the Exchange server. I dragged all of my
emails (in folders) from "On my computer" to "Exchange." Again, no problems.

Or so I thought...

Now when I look at an Exchange folder with emails from before my Eudora
move, almost every single email is dated May 28, 2007 (the move date). The
odd thing is, when looking in the same folders "On my computer" the dates
are listed correctly.

The saving grace is that when I double-click any of these odd emails the
header shows the correct date. However, looking at the long list of emails
in a folder all I see is the May date. This is not helpful when looking for
certain emails.

Is there any way to correct these dates?

I know I can use Spotlight to find things but, like using a bricks and
mortar library, sometimes browsing is the best way to find something.

Thanks for your help.

Andrew Levin
....still hot and humid

Diane Ross

Now when I look at an Exchange folder with emails from before my Eudora
move, almost every single email is dated May 28, 2007 (the move date). The
odd thing is, when looking in the same folders "On my computer" the dates
are listed correctly.

The saving grace is that when I double-click any of these odd emails the
header shows the correct date. However, looking at the long list of emails
in a folder all I see is the May date. This is not helpful when looking for
certain emails.

Sort by Sent rather than Received.

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