Bizarre tracked changes behaviour in numbered list



I have a Word 2000 document in which tracked changes is supposedly switched
off. At least, the TRK box at the bottom of the screen is greyed out, and
changes to most of the document can be made without them being tracked.

However, in the document is a numbered list. Changes to the numbering of the
list get tracked, and I have no idea why. Any explanations would be
gratefully received.

Many thanks

Margaret Aldis

Hi Adam -

I've seen evidence of 'cross talk' between tracked changes and numbering
before, and I think it indicates a document corruption.

Create a new document from the original template, and try copying and
pasting all but the last paragraph of this document into place. That may fix
it, or you may need to copy and paste in bits, saving a snapshot each time,
to work around the corruption (a good bet would be to copy and paste
everything except the numbered list, see whether numbering is still being
tracked, then see if you can paste in the list - or paste it in without
numbering and reapply the numbering).

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