Bizarre twist on misspelled/missing form error



I have inherited an Access 2003 SP3 application that initially opens a
switchboard form, which contains only buttons to open additional
forms. The MDB is compiled and is located in a common directory. I
have one user out of roughly 20 that gets the error "The form name {X}
is misspelled or refers to a form that doesn't exist" when she makes
her first attempt to open the form. She'll close the application and
re-open it and it will work fine. I've verified that the spelling
within the error message exactly matches the existing form's name,
verified that she is running the application from production. Neither
I nor anyone else can reproduce this problem. Does anyone have any

Global code routine:

Global DirFromInit, DirTypeInit As Variant

Form code (switchboard):

Private Sub btnDirectBill_Click()
OpenMultiForm "Form1", "Letters", DirFromInit, DirTypeInit
End Sub

Private Sub OpenMultiForm(FormN, Caption As String, FInitials,
On Error GoTo Err_MultiForm
FromInit = FInitials
TypeInit = TInitials
DoCmd.OpenForm FormN, , , , , , Caption
Exit Sub
MsgBox Error$
Resume Exit_MultiForm
End Sub

Gina Whipp


Is everyone sharing the same front end? Sounds like the beginning of
corruption. If they have seperate frontends I would suggest replacing hers
with a new one.

On another note, you shouldn't put your real eMail address in a newsgroup
the spammers will harvest it.

Gina Whipp

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors

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