Bizarre XLA behaviour


Hi Everyone,

I am experiencing a strange thing when 'updating' an XLA file to a
computer.The new version of the file is used to overwrite the old,
while excel is not running, and yet the old file is the one that excel
still seems to be using! I do not understand how this is possible.
Even if I delete the XLA after removing it from Tools->Add-ins, and
restart the whole machine, then copy a fresh copy of the XLA to the
machine, re-add it through Tools->Add-ins, I still get the old version
of the file!

I know it is the old version because I have not 'compiled' the code
and I can see that it is the old version. I need to update this
machine with the new XLA and I am stumped as to what is going on. Can
anyone help me with this?


The Frog

Charles Williams

Sounds like the old XLA file exists in more than one place.
Check your XLSTART and Addins and Library folders, and/or do a Search for
the file.

You could also check the Registry Entries for Addins

For Excel 2003 on my system these are
My Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft|Office\11.0\Excel\Options
for installed addins
My Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft|Office\11.0\Excel\Add-in
for uninstalled addins

The Excel Calculation Site

Dave Peterson

My guess is that you haven't deleted the copy of the addin that excel is really

Open excel
Go into the VBE (Your addin opens, right?)
type this into the immediate window:

Make a note of the location (copy|paste to notepad???)

Close excel and delete that file.


One more thought...

Are you positive that you're saving the new addin correctly?

And I'm confused about you knowing that it's the old version by the lack of
compiling. Is there an actual difference in code? If none of this helped,
maybe you can explain what this means.

Hi Guys,

Thanks for the feedback. I can tell the difference between the
versions due to the difference in the code. There are great big blocks
of code that dont exist in the older version.

I will do some hunting for the file again, and wipe out each .xla of
that file that I find - if there is more than 1 copy. This is only
happening on 1 machine, so I am figuring that there is something weird
with this one pc ie/ non-standard. It is a laptop and the user has
admin privilidges so who knows what has gone on. I will post the
results here.

Thanks guys


The Frog

Hi again,

OK, the issue was exactly one of a copy of the file living somewhere
it shouldnt. The ?workbooks(....... allowed me to identify the culprit
and I was able to repair the issue immediately.

Thanks for the help guys, I really appreciate it.

Let this be a lesson to others: Users with Admin privilidges who dont
know what they are doing is a very big NO-NO.


The Frog

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