Black Color Scheme: Problem when QAT ABOVE Ribbon



I had trouble seeing the Quick Access Toolbar icons when the QAT was ABOVE
the Ribbon. Quite by accident I moved the QAT BELOW the Ribbon and I can
read the icons fine. The background color on the QAT is noticeably lighter
when below the Ribbon.

This seems like a clear bug.


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Herb Tyson [MVP]

Ergonomically, below is better, too, because the mouse has less distance to
travel when you need to use something on the QAT.

BTW... how the QAT appears when it's above the ribbon will be a function of
your Windows color scheme, since the QAT resides in Word's title bar. On my
system, using the default color scheme for Vista, the QAT is quite readable
above the the ribbon when using the black, blue, or silver scheme. In fact,
when placed above the ribbon, all three are identical, since the background
color is furnished by Windows rather than by Office 2007.

But, there are Windows color schemes I could choose that would make it
visually more challenging.

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