Black cursor in 'blue' mode and '100% zoom' on-screen size



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: intel

I, to, wish to have the familiar contrasting cursor colour in 'blue' mode, so I will be watching carefully for a bug fix!

I also have another problem; in high resolution, the visible page is too small when set to 100% zoom, in Word and Excel. Setting it to 130% corrects the size but this shouldn't be necessary; on Windows PCs, pages can be sized how one wants. Having asked my Apple Store about this issue, I'm told that the Mac OS has no provision for this kind of adjustment. Really? Seems a little short-sighted.

Any ideas, please?

Congratulations on a useful site!


David Barfield (DAB)

Daiya Mitchell

hi David,

Did you just buy a new computer? Or a new monitor with higher
resolution? 100% zoom is smaller on a higher-res monitor than on a
lower-res monitor. When I got a new laptop, I had to go from 100% to
125% to be comfortable. Nothing to do with platform--that's just the way
monitors work.

I don't know what you mean by "on Windows PCs, pages can be sized how
one wants"--in my experience WinWord works pretty much the same way as
MacWord in this aspect. I wonder if you think the green button is
supposed to be 100% zoom? Try ignoring the green button--it almost
never gives me what I want, anyhow, and it definitely is not the
Maximize button of Windows. Are you new to the Mac?

You can resize the window to your exact preferred size by dragging the
bottom right hand corner (see the diagonal lines? grab them)

If those don't help, please try to clarify your question. (I'm thinking
the Apple Store gave you wrong information because they didn't
understand you either, because there's definitely lots of provision for
window adjustment in the Mac OS)

By the way--no one here helped develop the site--there is a little white
Website Feedback link at the bottom of the page to send those comments
to the people who did.


Although I'm as confused as she, some expansion of what Daiya offered -

First, I believe she's right on with the resolution issue. Your Mac is
probably at least 1280x800 whereas your PC was probably no more that
1024x768... possibly only 800x600.

The [green?] traffic light button (with the + sign) in Mac OS is more the
equivlent of the Restore button in Windows... Clicking it once sets the
window size to whatever it was sized to last & clicking it a second time
brings it back again.

Also, the window size & zoom in any particular doc when you save & close is
what the doc will open at the next session *if* you've made at least one
minor change since setting the zoom. IOW, if you have made no changes since
the last save, size the window & set the zoom, then close the file it will
reopen at the same size but it won't retain the zoom setting (even if you
click the Save button). OTOH, If you set the size & zoom, make a change of
some sort *then* save & close, the doc will retain both the window size &
zoom setting in the next session.


Although I'm as confused as she, some expansion of what Daiya offered -
First, I believe she's right on with the resolution issue. Your Mac is
probably at least 1280x800 whereas your PC was probably no more that
1024x768... possibly only 800x600.

The [green?] traffic light button (with the + sign) in Mac OS is more the
equivlent of the Restore button in Windows... Clicking it once sets the
window size to whatever it was sized to last & clicking it a second time
brings it back again.

Also, the window size & zoom in any particular doc when you save & close is
what the doc will open at the next session *if* you've made at least one
minor change since setting the zoom. IOW, if you have made no changes since
the last save, size the window & set the zoom, then close the file it will
reopen at the same size but it won't retain the zoom setting (even if you
click the Save button). OTOH, If you set the size & zoom, make a change of
some sort *then* save & close, the doc will retain both the window size &
zoom setting in the next session.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

wrote in message
> Version: 2008
> Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
> Processor: intel
> I, too, wish to have the familiar contrasting cursor colour in 'blue' mode,
> so I will be watching carefully for a bug fix!
> I also have another problem; in high resolution, the visible page is too
> small when set to 100% zoom, in Word and Excel. Setting it to 130%
> corrects the size but this shouldn't be necessary; on Windows PCs, pages
> can be sized how one wants. Having asked my Apple Store about this issue,
> I'm told that the Mac OS has no provision for this kind of adjustment.
> Really? Seems a little short-sighted.
> Any ideas, please?
> Congratulations on a useful site!
> Regards,
> David Barfield (DAB)

Thanks for these replies, folks! Yes, I have just bought new Macs, but I've been using Macs since 1988, from MS Word v1! This problem is, indeed, to do with screen resolution (1,900+) and I'm only talking about the display of document pages of text; I know about corner-dragging to resize panes and about the green button, but these do not affect document page sizes. To try and be clearer, on Windows XP Pro, (-which I use in another place on a PC), it is possible to alter the text dpi so that, even on high-resolution screens, an A4 page can be made to appear at the correct visible size in print view, at 100% zoom. It has not been necessary previously to use 130% zoom, or whatever, to get the size right (-although this IS the work-around that I'm using now, and it isn't that much of a problem). I would like to see a proper 'fix', though. I was just surprised that the Mac OS doesn't seem to cater for the same level of display control (-unless its well-hidden).
The other problem, the black insertion point (-cursor) when in white on blue mode is a real problem, however, and I haven't found any way of changing this.
(Incidentally, I've just read somewhere that MS may be withdrawing this 'blue' mode altogether. Whatever for? For those of us with old/failing/decrepid eyes, its always been more eye-friendly than BOW. I have made this view known to MS separately.)

Thanks again for your assistance!



Daiya Mitchell

Wow, that's cool. Sounds like an accessibility feature, and Mac OS uses
the ability to zoom the screen instead. Thanks for clarifying your

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The other problem, the black insertion point (-cursor) when in white on blue mode is a real problem, however, and I haven't found any way of changing this.

Yeah, well, you started out by saying you knew it was a bug, no need for
us to address it. MS will have to fix it.
(Incidentally, I've just read somewhere that MS may be withdrawing this 'blue' mode altogether. Whatever for? For those of us with old/failing/decrepid eyes, its always been more eye-friendly than BOW. I have made this view known to MS separately.)

It's gone in WinWord 2007--use Help | Send Feedback in Mac Word to let
the MacBU know that you want to keep it--that would be their decision.

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