black text in PDF



Mac office 2008 - Have PowerPoint text that is black, but when I make a PDF the text converts to CMYK. Any way to keep that from happening?

Matt Centurión [MSFT]

Could you describe in more detail what you mean by text converts to CMYK.
CMYK is the standard for printing as opposed to RGB which is for displays.
PDF is aligned with printing standards.

Are you seeing some C/M/Y values in your text as opposed to purely K?

MacOffice Testing

Date: 2/6/08 7:26 AM / From: "(e-mail address removed)"


I am getting CMY values in black text. All the printer wants is K. It's too
hard to try to register all plates with text, especially small text. I want to retain black text.


Mac office 2008 - Have PowerPoint text that is black, but when I make a PDF the text converts to CMYK. Any way to keep that from happening?

How are you making the PDF? How are you determining that the text is


I have made the PDF(s) in just about every way possible. From print dialog,..
File/Print/PDF/Save as PDF, File/Print/PDF/Save PDF as PostScript and have Distiller make the PDF, File/Print/PDF/Save as PDF-X, and from PowerPoint File/Save as/ PDF. When viewing the PDF in Acrobat pro 7.0 I can see the plates and the black text is always made up of 100C/100Y/100M/100K.

So is there any way to get just black text not a built black?

Thank you

Matt Centurión [MSFT]

Thanks for the additional information. Could you try typing some black text
into TextEdit (in the applications folder) and printing that to PDF and
seeing if you get the same or different results than with PPT?

MacOffice Testing

Date: 2/7/08 9:41 AM / From: "(e-mail address removed)"

Matt Centurión [MSFT]

Interesting, and what about a solid black filled shape in PPT2008.. Does
that have CMY values or just K as well?

Thx for helping with this investigation,

MacOffice Testing

Date: 2/7/08 10:25 AM / From: "(e-mail address removed)"

June Low [MSFT]

Hello Jack :)

We have identified that this is indeed a problem and are currently
investigating it. In the course of my preliminary investigations, I found
that while TextEdit did behave correctly and produce pure K text in PDF,
re-saving that PDF document in Preview resulted in built black text. This
may point to a deeper issue and may take some time to get to the bottom of.
I will relay any further information we may find with this issue.

Thanks for reporting this and your help in the investigation!

OfficeArt Tester

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