Black text won't print BOLD but color text will print BOLD



Hello. I am really frustrated right now - I use Publisher the most and in
all Microsoft Office applications, of course, including Publisher, when I
highlight a short line of black text and BOLD it - it appears BOLD on the
computer screen, however when I print it, the text which should print bold
will print regular without bolding. The thing I can't comprehend is that if
I change the very same block of text to another color other than black, and
it is bolded - it does print out perfectly in BOLD. The problem then is
obviously when using black ink only.
My Yahoo and AOL emails will print the corresponding portions of text in
bold black ink, and my Quickbooks printouts will also print in bold black ink
too - so I have narrowed the problem to my Publisher and Word. Any thoughts
or ideas?

Mary Sauer

Publisher will faux bold fonts that have no bold font file

Are you using a standard font? Does your printer have built in fonts that are
used by default? This is not a Publisher or Word issue, but a printer problem.


Thanks for your reply, but how come I was able to print these very same
documents with bolded text where applicable in black ink just a couple weeks
ago? And how come I can still print these documents with no problem as long
as I change the text color from Black to another color say Blue or Red, or
Green? In color text, the bolded text does indeed print in BOLD. Therefore
I do not agree that it is a bold font file problem when I can print in BOLD
in colors other than black.

What a mystery...

Anyone else please?

Thanks anyways.

Mary Sauer

Office is more critical about printer drivers than other programs. Go to the
manufacturer's web site of your printer, see if there is a updated driver. Your
current driver could be corrupt, re-install it if there is no new driver
available. It is always best to completely remove your printer driver before

Bruce Sanderson's Windows Web

How to clean up printer drivers

If you have searched the archives of the this newsgroup you will find yours is
an unique issue. It definitely is not a Publisher or Word problem.


Thanks so much. I took your suggestion and uninstalled all the print drivers
and reinstalled, restarted computer and the same - so maybe someday I will
figure this one out - lol! Thanks anyways.

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