Blackberry & Outlook 2003



I am writing to verify a statement made by a RIM tech. Our blackberry users
were fine for a couple of days connecting to send and receive through our
email. We are running E2K3 SP1 and Outlook 2003 SP1. We do not have BES so
the users are using a redirect I believe from the Outlook client. It
apparent was working for awhile but all of a sudden the Blackberry can only
send and not receive our mailbox. Their email is there but will not load to
their blackberry however they can still send email through our mail system.
We spoke to a RIM tech and he informed us that it is a known issue between
the blackberry and outlook 2003. This does not make sense to me because
their server is able to poll the users email from our echange server but the
blackberry can not receive. Am I missing something here. The tech did not
really explain flow of mail from the mail between our mail system and the
blackberry so I am not sure what to check. We have made no changes to our

K. Orland

I was in virtually the same situation yesterday and this morning, except that
my user could receive email but not send. The issue started on Wednesday
afternoon, out of the blue with no changes made to either the laptop or the
Blackberry device.

Sent email would fail with a "decryption error." I upgraded the user to 4.0
SP1 and manually updated the security key within the redirector. I also
unchecked a box that the user had checked, telling the Blackberry to not send
email while connected to the laptop. The user is now receiving AND sending

I was told however that anytime the user's laptop is turned off or even goes
into hibernation mode, it can interrupt the Blackberry redirection. They
suggested that I upgrade the user to use the web client and set a mailbox
rule to autoforward all email to the Blackberry, but I don't like that idea.

I have caps on all mailboxes (for good reason), the last thing I need to do
is potentially cause a mail loop. My user is very highly placed within the
organization, I'm sure he doesn't want to automatically delete every mail
from Outlook that is forwarded to his Blackberry and I don't want to crush my

I don't know if this helps you any, but check out the support section of the
ISP for wireless or call them. Make sure you have the PIN and phone number of
the Blackberry and you may have to go to the user's desktop/laptop to
troubleshoot from there.

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