Blackjack simulation in Excel


G Love


I want to create a spreadsheet that simulates blackjack hands that
mimics real probabilities that i can calculate myself, or if anyone
already has this data this would be ideal.

I need to be able to tell the spreadsheet what table rules are in
effect, e.g. the number of decks in the shoe, double after split or
not, dealer stands or hits on soft 17 and so on - obviously if you've
already got knowledge or a working example of this you are a god to me!

after inputting the different variables i want the sheet to generate
hands and play them against the dealers upcard as determined by the
relevant basic strategy table to those parameters specified (if you
know the game you will be aware that different table rules give rise to
subtle variations in strategy).

the purpose of this is to generate 65536 hands per sheet (or multiples
there of) and simulate player win/push/dealer win results so as to aid
identification of the most efficient staking plan.

there are programs out there that play for you but mine is a
statistical problem i wish to investigate and understand myself.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated, and if you share a similar
interest in this i would be glad to hear from you too.



A blackjack simulation is pretty difficult. You'll have to write a
pretty very complex program with the Excel macros.

G Love

lol, i found the sim and then checked back here to find you directed me
there too.

i've had a change of heart, rather than do something that complex, all
i need to do is plug in the relative probabilities for dealer win,
player win, push, split and so on.

if anyone knows the probabilities for these under different table rules
it should be a straight forward random number generator.

basically all i need is a sheet that can run thousands and thousands of
scenarios and say what the outcome would be, i don't really need it to
generate the hands at all, just an outcome based on the different

any ideas, or gimme a slap if that didn't make any sense...

Dave Peterson

I would think that there would be thousands of books in the library (Amazon???)
about how to make millions at blackjack. You may even find something on the
web. I'd try google.

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