In the past while using track changes (continual blacklining), I could make
changes to my own blackline (same version) and not have my further
modifications show as a blackline to my own blackline. There are times when
doing blackline changes you may change your mind about text you have altered,
but you're working on the same, continual blackline and have not sent it to a
third party yet. In this case you don't want to show the party you've
re-modified your own changes. Do I have to perform a document compare to
negate the problem above? Is there something I could use in Tools that
would negate this? Thanks.
changes to my own blackline (same version) and not have my further
modifications show as a blackline to my own blackline. There are times when
doing blackline changes you may change your mind about text you have altered,
but you're working on the same, continual blackline and have not sent it to a
third party yet. In this case you don't want to show the party you've
re-modified your own changes. Do I have to perform a document compare to
negate the problem above? Is there something I could use in Tools that
would negate this? Thanks.