Blank cells in Excel



The following formula is in cell F66
Thank you to John Moore for this formula. This allows me to place text
stored in cell L66 into cell F66 if the value in cell E66 is <13, and text
stored in cell M66 if the value in E66 is >18. Cell E66 is blank if the value
is between 13 and 18.
I would like to alter this formula so that all of the above does not change,
but if nothing is entered into E66 then cell F66 is also blank. As it stands
now if no value is entered into E66, then F66 defaults to the text from L66.
I saw an ISBLANK function that looked interesting but don’t know how to
incorporate it into this formula without losing what I already have. Thank

Dave Peterson

How about:


I used
But I could have used:


Danny said:
I saw an ISBLANK function that looked interesting but don’t know how to
incorporate it into this formula without losing what I already have.

I would not use ISBLANK(). That is true only if there is no formula and no
value (like "") in the cell. If you want to distinguish between empty and
appearing blank due a null string, ISBLANK is the right choice. But I
suspect you want F66 to be "" if E66 __appears__ blank, be it empty or
because it contains "". In that case:

=if(E66="", "", if(E66<=13, L66, if(E66<18, "", M66)))

----- original message -----

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