Blank even pages and footer format ?




I'm in the process of creating a global template. The template will be used
in a process to generate .doc files from another format. The idea is to get
the template (using macros, styles etc) to automatically perform as much of
the formatting as possible. I’ve got hundreds, if not thousands, of documents
to convert over time and any little thing that can be done automatically,
using a macro, a style, etc, is really helpful.

I've managed to find solutions to most of my problems on this site as well
as on the Word MVP site, but some I haven’t seen a mention of. I'm not
necessarily looking for "easy" answers, I guess what I'm mostly wanting is a
confirmation that these things can be done in the first place (although
“easy†answers will be much appreciated, too!). I’m using Word 2003, and am
not fluent in writing macros from scratch.

The things my template would IDEALLY do are:

1) All H1-styled text to start on an odd page. If H1 starts on an even page,
a blank page would be created. Is there a way to write a macro to the effect
“if “H1page†= odd, then blankpage=no, else blankpage=yesâ€. Alternatively, is
there a way to assign a section break to the H1 style? Creating section
breaks manually isn’t ideal at all.

2) Delete footers from a blank (even) page. Is there a way to do it so that
deleting/hiding the footer from this one page doesn’t interfere the numbering
throughout the document?

3) In a footer, create a cross-reference to a heading so that it’s updated
automatically. For example, if the chapter is called “Contentsâ€, the footer
would read “Contentsâ€, and when the chapter is “Introâ€, the footer would
display “Introâ€. If it isn’t possible to crossreference like this, is there a
way to change the footers when the chapter name changes without having to
manually create a section break (see point 1).

4) In a footer, create a cross-reference to a heading that is in another
Word document.

5) Delete all headers (the conversion process creates headers, and I’d like
them to be automatically deleted).

6) Number the pages in the footers so that the first chapter (say,
“Contentsâ€) uses page number formatting i, ii, iii and the next chapter (say,
Intro) restarts numbering from 1 and uses format 1, 2, 3 etc.

Any help that you can provide will be appreciated, I’ve managed to get
myself a headache with this and after days and days of trial and error
haven’t seem to have got anywhere with these particular aspects.

Thanks in advance,

Suzanne S. Barnhill

1. There's no way to do this through the style alone; it would require an
Odd Page section break, and there is no way to include this in a style, so
you will need some sort of macro; for that you need to visit one of the
word.vba NGs.

2. If you check "Different odd and even" on the Layout tab of Page Setup,
you can leave the Even Page Footer blank. For more on this and other
header/footer issues, see

3. This is easily accomplished with a StyleRef field. For more information,
see Word's Help file and

6. See


Thanks for your help, much appreciated!
1. There's no way to do this through the style alone; it would require an
Odd Page section break, and there is no way to include this in a style, so
you will need some sort of macro; for that you need to visit one of the
word.vba NGs.

2. If you check "Different odd and even" on the Layout tab of Page Setup,
you can leave the Even Page Footer blank. For more on this and other
header/footer issues, see

Sorry, I didn't explain myself very well in my OP. I don't need every even
page to be blank, only if there is a blank page here and there in the
document. I have no idea how to delete just one footer without it affecting
all the rest of them.

As for the macro for an odd page, I've tried searching everywhere, and I
tried to write one myself but somehow I can't seem to get it to work. And for
some reason I can't find any examples of a macro of this type anywhere on the
internet. I would've thought this is quite a common thing to want.

I'm not actually sure if I want "Heading 1" style to have an odd section
break, since I'm afraid that it will then mess with my footers which work
nicely now. I just want to be able to automatically add a blank page if a
Heading 1 starts on an even page. It seems to be too complicated for my poor
brain to come around to...

3. This is easily accomplished with a StyleRef field. For more information,
see Word's Help file and

6. See

Thanks for these, they are working nicely now! :)


Suzanne S. Barnhill

I think there's no real workaround for just inserting an Odd Page break
before each Heading 1. If you're also going to use "Different first page"
header/footer for the first page of a chapter (or whatever starts with
Heading 1), then you'll need some sort of section break anyway. One of the
features that has been suggested to MS is a way to include a section break
in a paragraph style, but this would be quite complex because there are four
kinds of section breaks (unlike "Page break before" formatting, which is
quite simple).


Hi Suzanne,

Thanks for your reply. I'm really surprised that this is not a standard
feature, I would've thought that assigning a section break to a style would
be a feature that would be widely used. I suppose it's quite complex though,
like you said.

Thanks for all your help, I'll figure out another way to get around this.


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