Blank fields after query??????


Nick Monsour

Hi all, I need help!

This is a tough question but I will try to explain.
I have a computer user ID form that is used to track an employee's
access to different systems. This form is for New Hires, Transfers,
Terminations, Modifying users, and Rehires. Here is the issue:
If I want to modify an existing entry the form user will choose Modify
from a main action page. Then the user is taken to another view and has
to put the employees NT Logon in a query box and run the query to
return the existing permissions (system name, logon, date added, and
date removed). SO the Logon is entered and the button is pushed to run
the query and the repeating table of the existing info is returned in a
read only format all except for the date remove which can be added at
this point if it applies. No Problem! Now the issue is to have a new
blank repeating table that did not get populated during the query phase
of this operation so that additional permissions may be granted. How do
I get these fields to stay blank? Or is there a way to clear them? I
currently have them in another view but they get populated at the same
time as the rest of the views don't they?

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