To start with, do not use the Address Block. Instead, insert the
mergefields that you want to use in the configuration that you require them.
Then to deal with the blank line issue, you will need to use an
If...then...Else field construction such as
{ IF { MERGEFIELD fieldthatmaybeblank } = "" "{ MERGEFIELD nextmergefield }"
"{ MERGEFIELD fieldthatmaybeblank }¶{ MERGEFIELD nextmergefield } }
Press the Enter key where the ¶ appears in the above construction and you
must use Ctrl+F9 to insert each pair of field delimiters { }and use Alt+F9
to toggle off their display.
Hope this helps.
Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.
Doug Robbins - Word MVP