Blank mails


Pradeep Yamujala


One of my client has a problem with outlook. The outlook has alerady a VBA based customization. They have multiple forms for message, read purpose. They want to go for another adding to replace the existing one. Myself made the publin in VSTO 3.0. I removed the previous plugin for installing my one.

But from that time onwords, after sending a considerable mails it is sending blank mails with only signature. I even removed my plugin and re-installed whole office system. But still the same issue.

Few of the emails still opening in old reading form. I did restalling the Office 2007 system 3 times. But still the same problem. How to solve this? please help me...

Thanks in advance.
Pradeep Yamujala.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Does this still happen if you remove those published forms using the forms
manager and also clear out the forms cache? Are any custom forms registered
in the registry as defaults for a standard type of item? Is that VBA code

Reinstalling solves nothing and will fix nothing, so that's a waste of time.

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