Blank, unwanted object obscuring cells underneath it


Hal Mandel

There is a white square on my spreadsheet that is on top of the cells
underneath it.
I can select the cells underneath it. I can move objects into those cells,
but they are obscured. I cannot select t6his white square no matter how I
try. It does not move around, and sizes with magnification. It does not
correspond to the cell sizes underneath it, but rather covers more space than
the cells. One time I saw another portion of the spreadsheet in this white
square when magnifying to 400%, and yet another time saw a portion of my
desktop in this screen. It was necessary to move the rows underneath this
artifact and to gray out the rows so as not to have hidden data under the
artifact. The program is MS Excel 2003, the O/S is WinXP Pro, on a Dell 9300

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