Blank White Square


Jesslyn Hendrix

sometimes when working in Word, either switching between windows, after a
dialog box or switching between applications, users will get a blank white
square in the middle of their document where the previous window or box was
located. The only way to get rid of the box is to close and reopen word. I
have seen posts on Woodys, but no resolution and NOTHING on MS's site.
Anyone come across this and/or have a resolution or troubleshooting path to


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Beth Melton

Hi Jesslyn,

See if this KB article is what you are looking for:

Note the Hotfix mentioned in the article is considered free support
from Microsoft. If you are in the US call 1-800-936-4900 and tell them
you are requesting the Hotfix in KB817185.

If outside the US see to obtain a phone
number for Advanced Support.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Word FAQ:
TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:

k brinfield

We also get this problem, however with Office 97 (SR2b) (!
yes, we're still using off97) on Windows XP (SP-1)
machines. The patch available applies to Office XP only -
is there any solutions/workarounds out there for this
similar problem?

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