Blank Worksheet opens every time you select Excel from Dock



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: intel

Excel 2004 behaviour:
1. Start Excel. Do not open any document.
2. Switch focus to another application.
3. Select Excel from Dock.
--> Nothing opens, but focus is switched to Excel.

In Excel 2008:
--> A blank Workbook opens with the Title 'Workbook<n>'

This behaviour is really annoying as 99.9% of the time, I want to open an existing document, not a new one.

I can't find a way to turn it off. Am I missing something?

Pat McMillan

This was changed in Office 2008 because it is recommended by Apple as the
appropriate way to handle this situation (just as Safari and TextEdit do). I
will make a suggestion to the development team to provide a preference to
turn that behavior off.




In the meantime, use Command+Tab or the AppleMenu>Recent Items command to
switch back to another open window (the way Apple's OS X HIG "intends" it to
be done:)) and the blank file won't be generated.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Thanks, gents. That was really quick.

I agree that there is an alternative workflow that achieves the same effect as the one I had become used to.

I can also see the point about opening web browsers with a new page (I have my browser Preference set to "Show a blank page" at start-up), as you also get a new Address Bar and Bookmarks to let you drive, unencumbered.

I'm not as convinced that a document editor, such as TextEdit or Excel, should do the same. If one could use Command-O to Open a document to replace the blank Workbook, it would be smooth and, roughly, the equivalent to the blank (or pre-chosen) document that Firefox or Safari present; i.e., one gets a working space and the ability to replace it with an existing document without having to close the thing you didn't really want, in the first place.


Hi Grant -

I'm not as convinced that a document editor, such as TextEdit or Excel, should
do the same. If one could use Command-O to Open a document to replace the
blank Workbook, it would be smooth and, roughly, the equivalent to the blank
(or pre-chosen) document that Firefox or Safari present; i.e., one gets a
working space and the ability to replace it with an existing document without
having to close the thing you didn't really want, in the first place.

No argument from me!;-) I'd like to see it that way myself - I'm as
accustomed to that behavior as anyone & it seems pointless to have an
unwanted empty file hanging around... And it's certainly possible. That's
what happens on launch, so why not on subsequent returns to the app?

It seems you have the ear of someone who "may" have some leverage on the
matter (Pat, not me:)), but I'd suggest you use Help>Send Feedback to add
your comments to the main db where suggestions/complaints/requests get
logged & retain a more permanent focus for future consideration.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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