Toying with getting a cost system out of spreadsheets and into access. Most
the tables are simple and easy to set up, but I'm debating our material
blends table. We have multiple plants, about 10 materials, and each product
may contain any percentage of 1, 2 or 3 of those materials. Each plant
currently has its own spreadsheet with the blend lookup as follows:
code mat1 mat1% mat1waste mat2 etc...
A X X% Xwaste Y
Putting this into an access table though I'm guessing I would need to have
the following columns
Code Plant mat Mat% matwaste
A 1 X X% Xwaste
A 1 Y Y% Ywaste
and so on
Is this the correct and effecient way to set this table up or is there a
better way?
the tables are simple and easy to set up, but I'm debating our material
blends table. We have multiple plants, about 10 materials, and each product
may contain any percentage of 1, 2 or 3 of those materials. Each plant
currently has its own spreadsheet with the blend lookup as follows:
code mat1 mat1% mat1waste mat2 etc...
A X X% Xwaste Y
Putting this into an access table though I'm guessing I would need to have
the following columns
Code Plant mat Mat% matwaste
A 1 X X% Xwaste
A 1 Y Y% Ywaste
and so on
Is this the correct and effecient way to set this table up or is there a
better way?