blinking text


Jay Freedman

Klaus Linke said:
Format > Font > Text effects


And if you have even a shred of concern for others, include in your
document the instructions for how to make the @#$%^&* blinking STOP!!

Klaus Linke

And if you have even a shred of concern for others, include in your
document the instructions for how to make the @#$%^&* blinking STOP!!

Unfortunately, you can't combine blinking text and scrolling text (from the
"Web Tools" toolbar) for ultimate annoyance...

<g> Klaus

Jay Freedman

Klaus Linke said:
Unfortunately, you can't combine blinking text and scrolling text (from the
"Web Tools" toolbar) for ultimate annoyance...

<g> Klaus

Oooo just thinking about that makes my eyes hurt ow ow ow


And thanks to someone at Microsoft that the blinking text doesn't convert to
HTML for email!

Terry Farrell

: >> How do you make text blink?
: >
: >Format > Font > Text effects
: >
: >Greetings,
: >Klaus
: >
: And if you have even a shred of concern for others, include in your
: document the instructions for how to make the @#$%^&* blinking STOP!!
: --
: Regards,
: Jay Freedman
: Microsoft Word MVP FAQ:

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