Block Flow Diagrams


Roger on Excel


I am an industrial chemist and I have a sophisticated spreadsheet for
modelling chemical processes. I use Userforms and have a rudimentary
knowledge of VBA. I use alot of macros and have found the advice on this
website absolutely wonderful

I am looking for a way to create a blockflow diagram from a chemical process
that is listed on a sheet.

Does anyone have advice or links that might be able to help me?

Thanks in advance,



I think from your description to have a two step problem. Tbe first is to
break your formula into blocks. The second is to create shapes (what you
call blocks) and place the shapes on the worksheet.

I would start by using the Record macro feature (Tools - Macro Record Macro)
and add the shapes to the worksheet and move the shapes in a fashion that
meets your requirements. From this macro you can learn the techniques to
create your block diagrams.

Shapes have four properties you need to adjust
1) Top - pixel location of top edge
2) Left - pixel location of left edge
3) Width - number of pixels in horizontal direction
4) height - number of pixels in veticle direction

You also may need to add lines. Lines also have four properties
1) X Start - in pixels
2) Y Start - in pixels
3) X End - in pixels
4) Y End - in pixels

Arrows could be shapes or lines with pointed ends.

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