Block of 7 Errors Each Time I Publish A Project, No Tasks Listed etc



Hi all

I really hope you can help me.

I have configured WSS, SharePoint 2003 and SQL 2000 on a server and all
would appear to be well, until I save/publish a project back to the project
server. I cannot vewi tasks through PWA even though I can see the Projects
list. My resources get nothing saying they've got tasks either. In the
Event Log (Application) on the server I get a block of 7 entries all at the
same time each time I press Save/Publish etc.

Any ideas please?



Component: Views Notification Service

File: C:\Office\devsp\project\pcportal\source\viewsnotify\ViewNotify.cpp

Line: 207

Error Number: 0x800a0005

Description: <Description><![CDATA[View scheduler received error while
scheduling views]]></Description>


Component: PCSViews

File: ViewsDrop.cls

Line: -1

Error Number: 0x5

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Error Information: Invalid procedure call
or argument

Additional Information: An error occured processing the following view :-

<ViewsDropData><ProjectData><EntProjectName><![CDATA[Stumpy Project
1.Published] ]></EntProjectName><EntProjectID>4</EntProjectID></ProjectData><OrgGuid>projectserver</OrgGuid><ProjectID>104</ProjectID><BasePath>projectserver</BasePath><TimeStamp>2005-11-23T08:22:20</TimeStamp></ViewsDropData>


Component: Views Notification Service

File: C:\Office\devsp\project\pcportal\source\viewsnotify\ViewNotify.cpp

Line: 212

Error Number: 0x800a0005

Description: <Description><![CDATA[The views processor failed to process the
following document:

<ViewsDropData><ProjectData><EntProjectName><![CDATA[Stumpy Project
1.Published] ]></EntProjectName><EntProjectID>4</EntProjectID></ProjectData><OrgGuid>projectserver</OrgGuid><ProjectID>104</ProjectID><BasePath>projectserver</BasePath><TimeStamp>2005-11-23T08:22:20</TimeStamp></ViewsDropData>


Component: PCSViews

File: ViewsDrop.cls

Line: -1

Error Number: 0x5

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Error Information: Invalid procedure call
or argument

Additional Information: An error occured processing the following view :-

<ViewsDropData><ProjectData><EntProjectName><![CDATA[Stumpy Project
1.Published] ]></EntProjectName><EntProjectID>4</EntProjectID></ProjectData><OrgGuid>projectserver</OrgGuid><ProjectID>104</ProjectID><BasePath>projectserver</BasePath><TimeStamp>2005-11-23T08:22:20</TimeStamp></ViewsDropData>


Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1164

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was also

Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1097

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was also

Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1506

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was also

Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1909

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was also

File: C:\Office\dev\project\WebClient\source\utility\pjadorsutil2.cpp

Line: 841

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was also


Component: ADODB.Recordset

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Item cannot be found in the collection
corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.]]></Description>

Manmeet Chaudhari

Hi Rich,
You can refer to the following links;en-us;810596
Let me know if it works else we can have some other workaround.

Manmeet Chaudhari
Technical Trainer
Maestros Mediline Systems Ltd

Rich said:
Hi all

I really hope you can help me.

I have configured WSS, SharePoint 2003 and SQL 2000 on a server and all
would appear to be well, until I save/publish a project back to the project
server. I cannot vewi tasks through PWA even though I can see the Projects
list. My resources get nothing saying they've got tasks either. In the
Event Log (Application) on the server I get a block of 7 entries all at the
same time each time I press Save/Publish etc.

Any ideas please?



Component: Views Notification Service

File: C:\Office\devsp\project\pcportal\source\viewsnotify\ViewNotify.cpp

Line: 207

Error Number: 0x800a0005

Description: <Description><![CDATA[View scheduler received error while
scheduling views]]></Description>


Component: PCSViews

File: ViewsDrop.cls

Line: -1

Error Number: 0x5

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Error Information: Invalid procedure call
or argument

Additional Information: An error occured processing the following view :-

<ViewsDropData><ProjectData><EntProjectName><![CDATA[Stumpy Project
1.Published] ]></EntProjectName><EntProjectID>4</EntProjectID></ProjectData><OrgGuid>projectserver</OrgGuid><ProjectID>104</ProjectID><BasePath>projectserver</BasePath><TimeStamp>2005-11-23T08:22:20</TimeStamp></ViewsDropData>


Component: Views Notification Service

File: C:\Office\devsp\project\pcportal\source\viewsnotify\ViewNotify.cpp

Line: 212

Error Number: 0x800a0005

Description: <Description><![CDATA[The views processor failed to process the
following document:

<ViewsDropData><ProjectData><EntProjectName><![CDATA[Stumpy Project
1.Published] ]></EntProjectName><EntProjectID>4</EntProjectID></ProjectData><OrgGuid>projectserver</OrgGuid><ProjectID>104</ProjectID><BasePath>projectserver</BasePath><TimeStamp>2005-11-23T08:22:20</TimeStamp></ViewsDropData>


Component: PCSViews

File: ViewsDrop.cls

Line: -1

Error Number: 0x5

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Error Information: Invalid procedure call
or argument

Additional Information: An error occured processing the following view :-

<ViewsDropData><ProjectData><EntProjectName><![CDATA[Stumpy Project
1.Published] ]></EntProjectName><EntProjectID>4</EntProjectID></ProjectData><OrgGuid>projectserver</OrgGuid><ProjectID>104</ProjectID><BasePath>projectserver</BasePath><TimeStamp>2005-11-23T08:22:20</TimeStamp></ViewsDropData>


Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1164

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was also

Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1097

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was also

Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1506

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was also

Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1909

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was also

File: C:\Office\dev\project\WebClient\source\utility\pjadorsutil2.cpp

Line: 841

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was also


Component: ADODB.Recordset

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Item cannot be found in the collection
corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.]]></Description>

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


The KB articles that Manmeet suggests may or may not help. My impression of
the error message collection is that "Stumpy Project1" is corrupt. It would
help if you'd tell us more about your system. Is this the only project, the
first project, are there others projects in your system? Does this happen to
all projects? How long has this system been setup? Etc. Background is soooo

Hi all

I really hope you can help me.

I have configured WSS, SharePoint 2003 and SQL 2000 on a server and all
would appear to be well, until I save/publish a project back to the
project server. I cannot vewi tasks through PWA even though I can see the
Projects list. My resources get nothing saying they've got tasks either.
In the Event Log (Application) on the server I get a block of 7 entries
all at the same time each time I press Save/Publish etc.

Any ideas please?



Component: Views Notification Service

File: C:\Office\devsp\project\pcportal\source\viewsnotify\ViewNotify.cpp

Line: 207

Error Number: 0x800a0005

Description: <Description><![CDATA[View scheduler received error while
scheduling views]]></Description>


Component: PCSViews

File: ViewsDrop.cls

Line: -1

Error Number: 0x5

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Error Information: Invalid procedure
call or argument

Additional Information: An error occured processing the following view :-

<ViewsDropData><ProjectData><EntProjectName><![CDATA[Stumpy Project
1.Published] ]></EntProjectName><EntProjectID>4</EntProjectID></ProjectData><OrgGuid>projectserver</OrgGuid><ProjectID>104</ProjectID><BasePath>projectserver</BasePath><TimeStamp>2005-11-23T08:22:20</TimeStamp></ViewsDropData>


Component: Views Notification Service

File: C:\Office\devsp\project\pcportal\source\viewsnotify\ViewNotify.cpp

Line: 212

Error Number: 0x800a0005

Description: <Description><![CDATA[The views processor failed to process
the following document:

<ViewsDropData><ProjectData><EntProjectName><![CDATA[Stumpy Project
1.Published] ]></EntProjectName><EntProjectID>4</EntProjectID></ProjectData><OrgGuid>projectserver</OrgGuid><ProjectID>104</ProjectID><BasePath>projectserver</BasePath><TimeStamp>2005-11-23T08:22:20</TimeStamp></ViewsDropData>


Component: PCSViews

File: ViewsDrop.cls

Line: -1

Error Number: 0x5

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Error Information: Invalid procedure
call or argument

Additional Information: An error occured processing the following view :-

<ViewsDropData><ProjectData><EntProjectName><![CDATA[Stumpy Project
1.Published] ]></EntProjectName><EntProjectID>4</EntProjectID></ProjectData><OrgGuid>projectserver</OrgGuid><ProjectID>104</ProjectID><BasePath>projectserver</BasePath><TimeStamp>2005-11-23T08:22:20</TimeStamp></ViewsDropData>


Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1164

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>

Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1097

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>

Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1506

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>

Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1909

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>

File: C:\Office\dev\project\WebClient\source\utility\pjadorsutil2.cpp

Line: 841

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>


Component: ADODB.Recordset

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Item cannot be found in the collection
corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.]]></Description>


Hi Gary

Yes sorry I wasnt really sure what to include. So here goes...

The system is a new setup

Only one project.

I can log in to PWA fine with no errors being recorded in the Event Log

I can add users from the Global Resource pool fine

The errors occur when I publish/save etc the project back to the server from
Project Pro 2003. I get no errors at the client end at all. I only noticed
a problem when I logged on to PWA and saw no tasks. I can click on the
project but then nothing is listed. This is when I then checked the Event
Log on the server

I have tried other projects too ensuring there are no rogue characters in
the project names - still the same problem

Windows Server 2003 Standard (SP1), SQL 2000 (SP3a), Windows SharePoint
Services, SharePoint Portal 2003 (SP2), ProjectServer 2003 (SP1) - all on 1
server. I know this isnt recommended but nothing I can do about that - tell
my boss :0)

I have now uninstalled Project Server and deleted the databases and am going
to try it again. Anything I should be aware of - accounts, permissions etc?

Hope this is enough info and thanks for any help.




The KB articles that Manmeet suggests may or may not help. My impression
of the error message collection is that "Stumpy Project1" is corrupt. It
would help if you'd tell us more about your system. Is this the only
project, the first project, are there others projects in your system? Does
this happen to all projects? How long has this system been setup? Etc.
Background is soooo important.

Hi all

I really hope you can help me.

I have configured WSS, SharePoint 2003 and SQL 2000 on a server and all
would appear to be well, until I save/publish a project back to the
project server. I cannot vewi tasks through PWA even though I can see
the Projects list. My resources get nothing saying they've got tasks
either. In the Event Log (Application) on the server I get a block of 7
entries all at the same time each time I press Save/Publish etc.

Any ideas please?



Component: Views Notification Service

File: C:\Office\devsp\project\pcportal\source\viewsnotify\ViewNotify.cpp

Line: 207

Error Number: 0x800a0005

Description: <Description><![CDATA[View scheduler received error while
scheduling views]]></Description>


Component: PCSViews

File: ViewsDrop.cls

Line: -1

Error Number: 0x5

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Error Information: Invalid procedure
call or argument

Additional Information: An error occured processing the following view :-

<ViewsDropData><ProjectData><EntProjectName><![CDATA[Stumpy Project
1.Published] ]></EntProjectName><EntProjectID>4</EntProjectID></ProjectData><OrgGuid>projectserver</OrgGuid><ProjectID>104</ProjectID><BasePath>projectserver</BasePath><TimeStamp>2005-11-23T08:22:20</TimeStamp></ViewsDropData>


Component: Views Notification Service

File: C:\Office\devsp\project\pcportal\source\viewsnotify\ViewNotify.cpp

Line: 212

Error Number: 0x800a0005

Description: <Description><![CDATA[The views processor failed to process
the following document:

<ViewsDropData><ProjectData><EntProjectName><![CDATA[Stumpy Project
1.Published] ]></EntProjectName><EntProjectID>4</EntProjectID></ProjectData><OrgGuid>projectserver</OrgGuid><ProjectID>104</ProjectID><BasePath>projectserver</BasePath><TimeStamp>2005-11-23T08:22:20</TimeStamp></ViewsDropData>


Component: PCSViews

File: ViewsDrop.cls

Line: -1

Error Number: 0x5

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Error Information: Invalid procedure
call or argument

Additional Information: An error occured processing the following view :-

<ViewsDropData><ProjectData><EntProjectName><![CDATA[Stumpy Project
1.Published] ]></EntProjectName><EntProjectID>4</EntProjectID></ProjectData><OrgGuid>projectserver</OrgGuid><ProjectID>104</ProjectID><BasePath>projectserver</BasePath><TimeStamp>2005-11-23T08:22:20</TimeStamp></ViewsDropData>


Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1164

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>

Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1097

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>

Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1506

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>

Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1909

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>

File: C:\Office\dev\project\WebClient\source\utility\pjadorsutil2.cpp

Line: 841

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>


Component: ADODB.Recordset

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Item cannot be found in the collection
corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.]]></Description>

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


Have you read and followed the directions in the following KB article?;en-us;840701

This is essential reading for installations that include Portal Server

Tell your boss he's making a mistake.

Hi Gary

Yes sorry I wasnt really sure what to include. So here goes...

The system is a new setup

Only one project.

I can log in to PWA fine with no errors being recorded in the Event Log

I can add users from the Global Resource pool fine

The errors occur when I publish/save etc the project back to the server
from Project Pro 2003. I get no errors at the client end at all. I only
noticed a problem when I logged on to PWA and saw no tasks. I can click
on the project but then nothing is listed. This is when I then checked
the Event Log on the server

I have tried other projects too ensuring there are no rogue characters in
the project names - still the same problem

Windows Server 2003 Standard (SP1), SQL 2000 (SP3a), Windows SharePoint
Services, SharePoint Portal 2003 (SP2), ProjectServer 2003 (SP1) - all on
1 server. I know this isnt recommended but nothing I can do about that -
tell my boss :0)

I have now uninstalled Project Server and deleted the databases and am
going to try it again. Anything I should be aware of - accounts,
permissions etc?

Hope this is enough info and thanks for any help.




The KB articles that Manmeet suggests may or may not help. My impression
of the error message collection is that "Stumpy Project1" is corrupt. It
would help if you'd tell us more about your system. Is this the only
project, the first project, are there others projects in your system?
Does this happen to all projects? How long has this system been setup?
Etc. Background is soooo important.

Hi all

I really hope you can help me.

I have configured WSS, SharePoint 2003 and SQL 2000 on a server and all
would appear to be well, until I save/publish a project back to the
project server. I cannot vewi tasks through PWA even though I can see
the Projects list. My resources get nothing saying they've got tasks
either. In the Event Log (Application) on the server I get a block of 7
entries all at the same time each time I press Save/Publish etc.

Any ideas please?



Component: Views Notification Service

File: C:\Office\devsp\project\pcportal\source\viewsnotify\ViewNotify.cpp

Line: 207

Error Number: 0x800a0005

Description: <Description><![CDATA[View scheduler received error while
scheduling views]]></Description>


Component: PCSViews

File: ViewsDrop.cls

Line: -1

Error Number: 0x5

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Error Information: Invalid procedure
call or argument

Additional Information: An error occured processing the following view

<ViewsDropData><ProjectData><EntProjectName><![CDATA[Stumpy Project
1.Published] ]></EntProjectName><EntProjectID>4</EntProjectID></ProjectData><OrgGuid>projectserver</OrgGuid><ProjectID>104</ProjectID><BasePath>projectserver</BasePath><TimeStamp>2005-11-23T08:22:20</TimeStamp></ViewsDropData>


Component: Views Notification Service

File: C:\Office\devsp\project\pcportal\source\viewsnotify\ViewNotify.cpp

Line: 212

Error Number: 0x800a0005

Description: <Description><![CDATA[The views processor failed to process
the following document:

<ViewsDropData><ProjectData><EntProjectName><![CDATA[Stumpy Project
1.Published] ]></EntProjectName><EntProjectID>4</EntProjectID></ProjectData><OrgGuid>projectserver</OrgGuid><ProjectID>104</ProjectID><BasePath>projectserver</BasePath><TimeStamp>2005-11-23T08:22:20</TimeStamp></ViewsDropData>


Component: PCSViews

File: ViewsDrop.cls

Line: -1

Error Number: 0x5

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Error Information: Invalid procedure
call or argument

Additional Information: An error occured processing the following view

<ViewsDropData><ProjectData><EntProjectName><![CDATA[Stumpy Project
1.Published] ]></EntProjectName><EntProjectID>4</EntProjectID></ProjectData><OrgGuid>projectserver</OrgGuid><ProjectID>104</ProjectID><BasePath>projectserver</BasePath><TimeStamp>2005-11-23T08:22:20</TimeStamp></ViewsDropData>


Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1164

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>

Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1097

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>

Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1506

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>

Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1909

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>

File: C:\Office\dev\project\WebClient\source\utility\pjadorsutil2.cpp

Line: 841

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>


Component: ADODB.Recordset

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Item cannot be found in the
collection corresponding to the requested name or


Hi Gary

Yes I followed this last time and will follow it again today for the




Have you read and followed the directions in the following KB article?;en-us;840701

This is essential reading for installations that include Portal Server

Tell your boss he's making a mistake.

Hi Gary

Yes sorry I wasnt really sure what to include. So here goes...

The system is a new setup

Only one project.

I can log in to PWA fine with no errors being recorded in the Event Log

I can add users from the Global Resource pool fine

The errors occur when I publish/save etc the project back to the server
from Project Pro 2003. I get no errors at the client end at all. I only
noticed a problem when I logged on to PWA and saw no tasks. I can click
on the project but then nothing is listed. This is when I then checked
the Event Log on the server

I have tried other projects too ensuring there are no rogue characters in
the project names - still the same problem

Windows Server 2003 Standard (SP1), SQL 2000 (SP3a), Windows SharePoint
Services, SharePoint Portal 2003 (SP2), ProjectServer 2003 (SP1) - all on
1 server. I know this isnt recommended but nothing I can do about that -
tell my boss :0)

I have now uninstalled Project Server and deleted the databases and am
going to try it again. Anything I should be aware of - accounts,
permissions etc?

Hope this is enough info and thanks for any help.




The KB articles that Manmeet suggests may or may not help. My impression
of the error message collection is that "Stumpy Project1" is corrupt. It
would help if you'd tell us more about your system. Is this the only
project, the first project, are there others projects in your system?
Does this happen to all projects? How long has this system been setup?
Etc. Background is soooo important.

Hi all

I really hope you can help me.

I have configured WSS, SharePoint 2003 and SQL 2000 on a server and all
would appear to be well, until I save/publish a project back to the
project server. I cannot vewi tasks through PWA even though I can see
the Projects list. My resources get nothing saying they've got tasks
either. In the Event Log (Application) on the server I get a block of 7
entries all at the same time each time I press Save/Publish etc.

Any ideas please?



Component: Views Notification Service


Line: 207

Error Number: 0x800a0005

Description: <Description><![CDATA[View scheduler received error while
scheduling views]]></Description>


Component: PCSViews

File: ViewsDrop.cls

Line: -1

Error Number: 0x5

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Error Information: Invalid procedure
call or argument

Additional Information: An error occured processing the following view

<ViewsDropData><ProjectData><EntProjectName><![CDATA[Stumpy Project
1.Published] ]></EntProjectName><EntProjectID>4</EntProjectID></ProjectData><OrgGuid>projectserver</OrgGuid><ProjectID>104</ProjectID><BasePath>projectserver</BasePath><TimeStamp>2005-11-23T08:22:20</TimeStamp></ViewsDropData>


Component: Views Notification Service


Line: 212

Error Number: 0x800a0005

Description: <Description><![CDATA[The views processor failed to
process the following document:

<ViewsDropData><ProjectData><EntProjectName><![CDATA[Stumpy Project
1.Published] ]></EntProjectName><EntProjectID>4</EntProjectID></ProjectData><OrgGuid>projectserver</OrgGuid><ProjectID>104</ProjectID><BasePath>projectserver</BasePath><TimeStamp>2005-11-23T08:22:20</TimeStamp></ViewsDropData>


Component: PCSViews

File: ViewsDrop.cls

Line: -1

Error Number: 0x5

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Error Information: Invalid procedure
call or argument

Additional Information: An error occured processing the following view

<ViewsDropData><ProjectData><EntProjectName><![CDATA[Stumpy Project
1.Published] ]></EntProjectName><EntProjectID>4</EntProjectID></ProjectData><OrgGuid>projectserver</OrgGuid><ProjectID>104</ProjectID><BasePath>projectserver</BasePath><TimeStamp>2005-11-23T08:22:20</TimeStamp></ViewsDropData>


Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1164

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>

Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1097

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>

Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1506

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>

Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1909

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>

File: C:\Office\dev\project\WebClient\source\utility\pjadorsutil2.cpp

Line: 841

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>


Component: ADODB.Recordset

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Item cannot be found in the
collection corresponding to the requested name or



Follow up

I've reinstalled and it all seems to be working now - I think I had used the
wrong user accounts etc.

Thanks again for all your help.



Hi Gary

Yes I followed this last time and will follow it again today for the




Have you read and followed the directions in the following KB article?;en-us;840701

This is essential reading for installations that include Portal Server

Tell your boss he's making a mistake.

Hi Gary

Yes sorry I wasnt really sure what to include. So here goes...

The system is a new setup

Only one project.

I can log in to PWA fine with no errors being recorded in the Event Log

I can add users from the Global Resource pool fine

The errors occur when I publish/save etc the project back to the server
from Project Pro 2003. I get no errors at the client end at all. I
only noticed a problem when I logged on to PWA and saw no tasks. I can
click on the project but then nothing is listed. This is when I then
checked the Event Log on the server

I have tried other projects too ensuring there are no rogue characters
in the project names - still the same problem

Windows Server 2003 Standard (SP1), SQL 2000 (SP3a), Windows SharePoint
Services, SharePoint Portal 2003 (SP2), ProjectServer 2003 (SP1) - all
on 1 server. I know this isnt recommended but nothing I can do about
that - tell my boss :0)

I have now uninstalled Project Server and deleted the databases and am
going to try it again. Anything I should be aware of - accounts,
permissions etc?

Hope this is enough info and thanks for any help.



"Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]" <gary AT chefetz DOT org> wrote in message

The KB articles that Manmeet suggests may or may not help. My
impression of the error message collection is that "Stumpy Project1" is
corrupt. It would help if you'd tell us more about your system. Is this
the only project, the first project, are there others projects in your
system? Does this happen to all projects? How long has this system been
setup? Etc. Background is soooo important.

Hi all

I really hope you can help me.

I have configured WSS, SharePoint 2003 and SQL 2000 on a server and
all would appear to be well, until I save/publish a project back to
the project server. I cannot vewi tasks through PWA even though I can
see the Projects list. My resources get nothing saying they've got
tasks either. In the Event Log (Application) on the server I get a
block of 7 entries all at the same time each time I press Save/Publish

Any ideas please?



Component: Views Notification Service


Line: 207

Error Number: 0x800a0005

Description: <Description><![CDATA[View scheduler received error while
scheduling views]]></Description>


Component: PCSViews

File: ViewsDrop.cls

Line: -1

Error Number: 0x5

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Error Information: Invalid
procedure call or argument

Additional Information: An error occured processing the following view

<ViewsDropData><ProjectData><EntProjectName><![CDATA[Stumpy Project
1.Published] ]></EntProjectName><EntProjectID>4</EntProjectID></ProjectData><OrgGuid>projectserver</OrgGuid><ProjectID>104</ProjectID><BasePath>projectserver</BasePath><TimeStamp>2005-11-23T08:22:20</TimeStamp></ViewsDropData>


Component: Views Notification Service


Line: 212

Error Number: 0x800a0005

Description: <Description><![CDATA[The views processor failed to
process the following document:

<ViewsDropData><ProjectData><EntProjectName><![CDATA[Stumpy Project
1.Published] ]></EntProjectName><EntProjectID>4</EntProjectID></ProjectData><OrgGuid>projectserver</OrgGuid><ProjectID>104</ProjectID><BasePath>projectserver</BasePath><TimeStamp>2005-11-23T08:22:20</TimeStamp></ViewsDropData>


Component: PCSViews

File: ViewsDrop.cls

Line: -1

Error Number: 0x5

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Error Information: Invalid
procedure call or argument

Additional Information: An error occured processing the following view

<ViewsDropData><ProjectData><EntProjectName><![CDATA[Stumpy Project
1.Published] ]></EntProjectName><EntProjectID>4</EntProjectID></ProjectData><OrgGuid>projectserver</OrgGuid><ProjectID>104</ProjectID><BasePath>projectserver</BasePath><TimeStamp>2005-11-23T08:22:20</TimeStamp></ViewsDropData>


Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1164

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>

Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1097

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>

Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1506

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>

Component: PjViewMgr


Line: 1909

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>

File: C:\Office\dev\project\WebClient\source\utility\pjadorsutil2.cpp

Line: 841

Error Number: 0x800a0cc1

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Assert Detected. The error code was
also included.]]></Description>


Component: ADODB.Recordset

Description: <Description><![CDATA[Item cannot be found in the
collection corresponding to the requested name or

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