Block the printing of multiple copies in Office 03-07 Print Dialog



block/disable the printing of multiple copies in Office 03,07 Print Dialog
Word and Excel.
We dont want users to be able to change the value. Either by making the
value unchagable from the default 1 to editing the dialog box so copies are
not displayed

JoAnn Paules

Nothing you can do will stop someone who wants to make (multiple) copies. If
it can be printed once, it can be printed to a .pdf driver and the resuting
..pdf file can be printed over and over again.


We can capture and charge for printing when single print jobs are sent. We
cant count the number of copies printed as Office does not allow us accesss
to the number of copies selected.
If we cant capture the copy count we need to stop the selection of copies as
an option. We can capture printing a pdf file however.
The application is a kiosk business center.
Kevin M

JoAnn Paules said:
Nothing you can do will stop someone who wants to make (multiple) copies. If
it can be printed once, it can be printed to a .pdf driver and the resuting
..pdf file can be printed over and over again.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

kevtuan said:
block/disable the printing of multiple copies in Office 03,07 Print Dialog
Word and Excel.
We dont want users to be able to change the value. Either by making the
value unchagable from the default 1 to editing the dialog box so copies
not displayed

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