Blocking access



Is there a way to limit a users ability to read
information on a table other than his/her own? I set up
the start up for a multi user database to not show the
database window, as well as taking away most of the tool
bars. However, anyone could bring up the Database Window
by pressing shift when opening the database. I would like
the user to be able to edit his/her information in an
employee table, but not be able to see over employees
information. The query I set up is set to display the
employee record that has an employee ID corresponding to
the CurrentUser(). However, anyone who figures out the
Shift and enter command will still be able to access the
database window.
If this cant be done, can the command that bypasses the
start up settings (Shift + Enter) be changed to something
like "Shift + Alt + L + Enter"? Make it more complicated


Well, you can prevent them from bypassing your startup code
by setting the
AllowBypassKey property of the database (see
at "The Access Web" for the> proper way of doing this).
However, unless you apply Access Security there's nothing
you can do that will prevent them from importing objects
from your database into a new database. Make sure you
have a private copy to work on without the bypass



But if I disable the bypass key, how will I be able to
gain acces to the database window for development


In a similar vein, I use something like this on my main form /
switchboard form. Not exactly what you are talking about, as the
toolbars aren't restored, but you get to the database window, and the
menu bar at least has tools -> startup...


Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
On Error GoTo errForm_KeyDown
'Escape if you are maintainer. show databasewindow
If KeyCode = 27 Then
If Me.cmdMaintenance.Visible Then
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
DoCmd.SelectObject acTable, , True
End If
End If
Exit Sub
LogErr "Form_OpenUpForm", err.Number, err.Description, "Form_KeyDown"
End Sub

Alex Ivanov

Read Access help on topic of "Secure an Access database and its objects with
user-level security"


Alex Ivanov

Read Access help on topic of "Secure an Access database and its objects with
user-level security"


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