Blocking blank email


Chris Wainwright

Couldnt reply to previous posts but there seem to be a lot of e-mails doing
the rounds with no subject or addresses. Outlook does not allow a "null" or
"does not contain" filter.

The way round this is to filter all e-mail where you are not the recipient
then use the exceptions of where the sender or recipient contains "@" or if
you are the CC recipient. If there are any addresses at all in the mail then
these will be left in your inbox but where there are no "@" sybols ie.
blank/garbage email these will be sent to the folder of your choice (I
suggest the Junk e-mail folder until you're sure about the new rule).

Hope this helps


Chris Wainwright said:
Couldnt reply to previous posts but there seem to be a lot of e-mails
the rounds with no subject or addresses. Outlook does not allow a
"null" or
"does not contain" filter.

The way round this is to filter all e-mail where you are not the
then use the exceptions of where the sender or recipient contains "@"
or if
you are the CC recipient. If there are any addresses at all in the
mail then
these will be left in your inbox but where there are no "@" sybols ie.
blank/garbage email these will be sent to the folder of your choice (I
suggest the Junk e-mail folder until you're sure about the new rule).

There have already been prior posts and replies on this issue that a
Google search would show up. Also look at the thread titled "Junk
Email - Obvious SPAM being overlooked" in the microsoft.public.outlook
group for some clues on how to define *negative* rules (by using an
"except" clause).

Chris Wainwright

I tried to google re blank fields and email but with little success. I
realise this may be retreading old ground for some people but I posted it so
that someone doing the same search as i did without much success would find a
direct link to the topic.

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