Blocking Message Board Posts



Is there any way to block certain persons or organizations from
posting on my web site bulletin board. I have been getting a lot
of posts from someone named niuyue from the remote name These messages seem to be of Chinese origin, and
are in some html format that won't display on my website. I would
like to block this sender if there is any way to do so.

If anyone would like, take a look at the TOC page at this link;

Thanks for any suggestions. Gordon

Tom Pepper Willett


You could ask your host to block IP address in the server, but if they have
dynamic IPs, they will constantly change.
Tom "Pepper" Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
About FrontPage 2003:
How to ask a newsgroup question:
| Is there any way to block certain persons or organizations from
| posting on my web site bulletin board. I have been getting a lot
| of posts from someone named niuyue from the remote name
| These messages seem to be of Chinese origin, and
| are in some html format that won't display on my website. I would
| like to block this sender if there is any way to do so.
| If anyone would like, take a look at the TOC page at this link;
| Thanks for any suggestions. Gordon



You could ask your host to block IP address in the server, but if they have
dynamic IPs, they will constantly change.
Tom, thanks for your response. I have checked with my host
(SWBell) and they offered no assistance from their end. They did
suggest that I might FTP a text file to my site's root with the
following lines. The suggested text file has to have the name,
..htaccess but I can't get this name to be accepted by my server.

<Limit GET>
order allow,deny
deny from 123.45.67
deny from
allow from all

The IP address numbers are not for the specific sites I need to
block, but simply illustrate the format. The first IP address
line with the number 123.45.67 does not include the last cluster
of digits, but would be open to anything that comes along from
that server.

I can't get this file to upload to my server, using my MS Front
Page. I haven't fitured out, yet, how to FTP it to my site.

I'm wondering if I could use MS Front Page to edit one of my
bulletin board pages and include the above script. Is there any
way to so this, or something similar?

If I keyed the above script into my existing Bulletin Board Post
page, would this stop anyone from posting from the listed IP

Thanks for any steering signals you can send me. I'm completely
adrift on this problem. Gordon

Thomas A. Rowe

You would have to use a FTP application to upload, not FP.

You can not add this or any other script to the FP discussion web to block IP addresses.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
a Service Pack or security update, please contact
Microsoft Product Support Services:
If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.


Using this file may have severe adverse effects on your FrontPage
extensions - you may find that you are denied access to the web with
FrontPage, or will not be able to publish.

Download the existing .htaccess file using an FTP client (such as
WS_FTP or CuteFTP).
Add the lines under the existing text in the .htaccess file, then
upload again. Your FTP client may have an Edit option to edit the
file - saves trying to get notepad to save the file, then uploading
Also, in the FTP client, make sure that .htaccess is manipulated as a
text file, not binary.


Using this file may have severe adverse effects on your FrontPage
extensions - you may find that you are denied access to the web with
FrontPage, or will not be able to publish.

Download the existing .htaccess file using an FTP client (such as
WS_FTP or CuteFTP).
Add the lines under the existing text in the .htaccess file, then
upload again. Your FTP client may have an Edit option to edit the
file - saves trying to get notepad to save the file, then uploading
Also, in the FTP client, make sure that .htaccess is manipulated as a
text file, not binary.
I'm afraid to mess with this after reading the SWBell help site;
This site seems to say that using FTP is a no-no for FrontPage
sites with FP extensions.

This Chinese SPAM invader has already messed up my bulletin board
to the extent that some of the messages are "missing" and can not
be viewed.

Anyway, when I try to copy a .htaccess file into any of the
folders on my web site I get the following error message;
Server error: '.htaccess' does not refer to a page or folder on
this web. It may be a page or folder in a subweb, or it could be
a badly formatted URL.

I have searched my web site's folders thoroughly and do not find
a file, .htaccess anywhere.

Is there no other approach to the problem of blocking unwanted
messages from my bulletin board? I'm amazed that FrontPage has no
provisions for this, at all. Gordon


If you are using FrontPage to search your web site for .htaccess
files, you will never find one. FP totally blocks access to these.
..htaccess files do not exist in your local copy of the web, nor in web
sites running on Windows servers.
Using FTP with a FrontPage site can be done safely if you follow some

Never FTP any folder. Always use FrontPage to create new folders.
Never FTP the contents of any folder with a name starting with _vti
After uploading any file with FTP, open the destination website in
FrontPage and run
Tools->Recalculate Hyperlinks

It is very easy to break these rules, which is why using FTP is never
recommended (unless in exceptional circumstances).

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