Kat said:
I have some one who Is emailing me and want to block thier email and send a
automatic reply using the Wizard rules.
Rules Wizard
New Rule
Distributuin list
Reply using a specific template
At this point we cannot get the Automatic rely to work with the template
Do not send an auto-reply. By the time YOU get the e-mail, there is no
longer a mail session between the sending and receiving mail hosts.
Only during the mail session does the receiving mail host know for sure
who connected to it. You get the message after the mail session. That
means all you get is the *data* that the SENDER inserted into their
message, and that can contain anything the sender wants to put in there.
That means you have no guarantee that the return-path headers that the
sender added to their e-mail is actually their e-mail address. Sending
a bogus bounce from your e-mail client to the unverified sender's e-mail
address could have you sending that bogus bounce to an invalid e-mail
account (and waste that domain's resources accepting and then rejecting
an undeliverable e-mail) or you inflict an innocent with your bogus
bounce (which is unsolicited and can be reported as deliberately
misdirected backscatter and get you reported to the public blacklists).
Use the webmail interface to your account, add a server-side rule to
block that sender. That way you don't have to waste the bandwidth to
download their message to then use a client-side rule to delete it. Of
course, if it is spam or a slightly educated malcontent then they will
change their e-mail address in the return-path headers and your rule is
worthless. A rule to block on an e-mail address is worthless under the
sender ALWAYS uses the same e-mail address but which they can could
change at will.