John D. Mann
I have Word '07 connecting to my Windows Live Spaces just fine, after
locating the option for e-mail posting at this link:
However, there is one more option inside Word which I would like to get set
up, and that is the picture uploads.
When I click on "Picture Options" button at the bottom of my blog account
settings, a window appears, from which I select my "Picture Provider." I
entered the choice "My own server" which is the only option, as the other is
"I don't have a provider."
I do have my own server, and I can configure it however I need - that is not
an issue. I can also obtain accounts with photo hosting websites on the
internet if need be. But, I'm confused (and the link above, which details
the process of everything BUT the image provider dialog) as to what to put
into the two text fields on this provider dialog.
Upload URL and Source URL. Now the first, I semi-understand. It's where
Word should upload the image to... And the "Source URL"? What is that for?
I guess it might be the base URL of where the images are found on a server,
but I'm not certain.
1. Do I need to put a URL in the Upload box there? What format, or server
types are supported?
[email protected]
2. What would I place in the Source URL box?
locating the option for e-mail posting at this link:
However, there is one more option inside Word which I would like to get set
up, and that is the picture uploads.
When I click on "Picture Options" button at the bottom of my blog account
settings, a window appears, from which I select my "Picture Provider." I
entered the choice "My own server" which is the only option, as the other is
"I don't have a provider."
I do have my own server, and I can configure it however I need - that is not
an issue. I can also obtain accounts with photo hosting websites on the
internet if need be. But, I'm confused (and the link above, which details
the process of everything BUT the image provider dialog) as to what to put
into the two text fields on this provider dialog.
Upload URL and Source URL. Now the first, I semi-understand. It's where
Word should upload the image to... And the "Source URL"? What is that for?
I guess it might be the base URL of where the images are found on a server,
but I'm not certain.
1. Do I need to put a URL in the Upload box there? What format, or server
types are supported?
2. What would I place in the Source URL box?