William Dross
Greetings and I see this was a hot topic several months ago; however at that
time I didn't think my site would need/want a blog so I apologize for
bringing up the topic again. (Those older posts are no longer available to
Any and all help would be appreciated. My site is for a church.
I pay the extra fee to web.com to maintain the FP extensions so hope there
is an easy way to incorporate a blog into the site.
Again I appreciate any assistance
time I didn't think my site would need/want a blog so I apologize for
bringing up the topic again. (Those older posts are no longer available to
Any and all help would be appreciated. My site is for a church.
I pay the extra fee to web.com to maintain the FP extensions so hope there
is an easy way to incorporate a blog into the site.
Again I appreciate any assistance