Blue triangle on appointment is...???



What does a small blue triangle on the upper left side of an appointment (in a day or week view) indicate? I can find no difference in the details of that appointment and one with a solid blue line down the left side such as "accepted" or "busy" or who the organizer was..

Patricia Cardoza - [MVP Outlook]

It means it's scheduled for a shorter duration than one "bar" in your
calendar. So if your time scale is set to 30 minutes and you have an
appointment from 3:00 - 3:15, you'd see the small blue triangle rather than
the blue bar that you'd see if the appointment was scheduled from 3:00 -

Patricia Cardoza
Outlook MVP

Author, Special Edition Using Microsoft Outlook 2003
Author, Absolute Beginner's Guide to OneNote 2003
Lead Author, Access 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference

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Tklein said:
What does a small blue triangle on the upper left side of an appointment
(in a day or week view) indicate? I can find no difference in the details
of that appointment and one with a solid blue line down the left side such
as "accepted" or "busy" or who the organizer was...



Thanks so much for your response. We've only been using Outlook for 2 months in our company. I trained our users but still run across so much that is new to me as they call with questions to the Help Desk.
Really appreciate your answer.

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