Bluescree; how to identify which driver is faulty from dup and the other logged info?


Laura Settimo

Platform: Windows Vista
Sustem: DELL Dimension E520

Few weeks ago I began to experience Blue Screen whenever I use Outlook 2003.
Here is what I get

Firma problema:
Nome evento problema: BlueScreen
Versione SO: 6.0.6000.
ID impostazioni locali: 1040

Ulteriori informazioni sul problema:
BCCode: a
BCP1: 00000000
BCP2: 00000002
BCP3: 00000001
BCP4: 823A4DAE
OS Version: 6_0_6000
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 768_1

File che contribuiscono alla descrizione del problema:

So, it looks like the classic situation when a problem in a software driver
is interpreted by Windows as an hardware problem (0xA). The point is: which
driver? The dump file gave me no info. Hard to read, by the way. Nor the
sysdata.xml and version.txt provided me with info about which was the fault
driver. Any hint? I can troubleshoot by myself but I need help to identify
the driver to uninstall.

Fata Morgana
(e-mail address removed)

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Sorry, this is an English news group. Try posting to one that supports Italian versions of Outlook.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Laura Settimo asked:

| Platform: Windows Vista
| Sustem: DELL Dimension E520
| Few weeks ago I began to experience Blue Screen whenever I use
| Outlook 2003. Here is what I get
| ***
| Firma problema:
| Nome evento problema: BlueScreen
| Versione SO: 6.0.6000.
| ID impostazioni locali: 1040
| Ulteriori informazioni sul problema:
| BCCode: a
| BCP1: 00000000
| BCP2: 00000002
| BCP3: 00000001
| BCP4: 823A4DAE
| OS Version: 6_0_6000
| Service Pack: 0_0
| Product: 768_1
| File che contribuiscono alla descrizione del problema:
| C:\Windows\Minidump\Mini060508-01.dmp
| C:\Users\Ghiro\AppData\Local\Temp\WER-41839-0.sysdata.xml
| C:\Users\Ghiro\AppData\Local\Temp\WER7869.tmp.version.txt
| ***
| So, it looks like the classic situation when a problem in a software
| driver is interpreted by Windows as an hardware problem (0xA). The
| point is: which driver? The dump file gave me no info. Hard to read,
| by the way. Nor the sysdata.xml and version.txt provided me with info
| about which was the fault driver. Any hint? I can troubleshoot by
| myself but I need help to identify the driver to uninstall.