Bold all cross-references



Is there a simple macro that can bold all the cross-references in my doc?
It's been a few years since I've handled VB and I don't have the time to
fuddle my way through right now.

Thanks in advance.

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

You don't need a macro... you can use Find and Replace All to
search for REF fields and replace with Find What Text + Bold.


Works like a charm! Many thanks!!

Any advice on one of my old posts? Read on...

My basic problem is with keeping the numbering of my cross-references tied
to their respective captions. If I copy/move one section to another place in
my document, the captions can be updated, but their cross-references can't.

How can I keep a cross-reference "linked" to its corresponding caption
regardless of where I copy/move them to?

Here's an example.

Imagine the following is in section 2 of "document 1".

The physical dimensions of the ???? are listed below and shown in Figure

(some image here)

Figure 2-2: ???? Physical Dimensions

So, the first sentence has a cross-reference (Figure 2-2) to the cation
(Figure 2-2) in the table.

Now, I copy the sentence and table above and paste it into section 5 of
"document 2". I update my fields and the following is the result.

The physical dimensions of the ???? are listed below and shown in Figure

(some image here)

Figure 5-9: ???? Physical Dimensions

You see how the cross-reference remains as "Figure 2-2", but the caption
updates as Figure 5-9. That's because there's already a "Figure 2-2" in the
current document.

What I would like to have happen is that both the cross-reference and
caption update to the correct placement in the new document; updated to
"Figure 5-9" and Figure 5-9 for the above example.

In this way, you could imagine the cross-reference and caption are "linked"
together in some way and are always updated correctly regardless of where
they are pasted to in another document.

I hope this explanation helps.

Any suggestion would be appreciated.


Bookmark the target (the 2-2 in your example) then reference it using a REF
field. The bookmark will travel with the text if you move it (but not if you
copy it, because then the bookmark stays with the original); and the
cross-reference will remain correct.

Word normally does this automatically with cross-references anyway.
Experiment by inserting a few captions and references, then press Alt-F9 to
display field codes and compare what you see with the contents of the
Bookmarks list with 'Hidden bookmarks' checked.

Stefan Blom

But since the OP is copying into another document, the bookmark should
follow (unless a bookmark with an identical name is already present in
the target document).

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

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