Works like a charm! Many thanks!!
Any advice on one of my old posts? Read on...
My basic problem is with keeping the numbering of my cross-references tied
to their respective captions. If I copy/move one section to another place in
my document, the captions can be updated, but their cross-references can't.
How can I keep a cross-reference "linked" to its corresponding caption
regardless of where I copy/move them to?
Here's an example.
Imagine the following is in section 2 of "document 1".
The physical dimensions of the ???? are listed below and shown in Figure
(some image here)
Figure 2-2: ???? Physical Dimensions
So, the first sentence has a cross-reference (Figure 2-2) to the cation
(Figure 2-2) in the table.
Now, I copy the sentence and table above and paste it into section 5 of
"document 2". I update my fields and the following is the result.
The physical dimensions of the ???? are listed below and shown in Figure
(some image here)
Figure 5-9: ???? Physical Dimensions
You see how the cross-reference remains as "Figure 2-2", but the caption
updates as Figure 5-9. That's because there's already a "Figure 2-2" in the
current document.
What I would like to have happen is that both the cross-reference and
caption update to the correct placement in the new document; updated to
"Figure 5-9" and Figure 5-9 for the above example.
In this way, you could imagine the cross-reference and caption are "linked"
together in some way and are always updated correctly regardless of where
they are pasted to in another document.
I hope this explanation helps.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.