Bold fonts in tables



I created a table with bold headings. When I was entering data in the
columns, the bold was automatically enabled and I had to disable it. It
continues every row. How can I stop that. Then I created a new document
with multiple tables - used NO bold anywhere and on the 10th table I began
getting the automatic bold again. Help!

PamC via

Please tell us more about how you created the tables. It matters whether you

--- using the regular text style in the tables and applying manual formatting
--- using paragraph styles created for the table headings and table body
--- copying and pasting (or using auto text) to insert your table layout
--- using a table style where you specified a font and embellishment (like

Once we know a bit more, I'm sure someone will be ble to help you.



-- On both tables I used the Table tab, created a new table with 9 columns
and then typed in the headings using the default font. I didn't make any
change in the font and I didn't use any paragraph formatting or any special
formatting. I just typed the headings after enabling the bold key. I used
Auto Fit to contents on both. On the first table I enabled the bold for each
individual heading. Then, on some of them, I had to disable the bold for the
column information. So on the 2nd document, which was a series of the same
formatted table, which I set up the same way, I didn't use any bold anywhere
and I still had the same problem but it didn't start happening until after I
had entered data in about 10 tables. Later on, I went back to some of the
first tables to enter data and had the same problem where I hadn't had the
problem when I first created the table and entered the original data. Hope
this is enough information.

PamC via

Yes, I think that's plenty information. Unfortunately, I don't see where
the problem could be. So I can only give general advice. Turn off Keep
track of formatting, do not allow Word to create styles based on your
formatting, and clear Automatically update check box in the Modify Styles
dialog. Create and apply paragraph styles for table headings and table text
instead of applying manual formatting.

Good luck. Sorry to have taken so long to answer.


-- On both tables I used the Table tab, created a new table with 9 columns
and then typed in the headings using the default font. I didn't make any
change in the font and I didn't use any paragraph formatting or any special
formatting. I just typed the headings after enabling the bold key. I used
Auto Fit to contents on both. On the first table I enabled the bold for each
individual heading. Then, on some of them, I had to disable the bold for the
column information. So on the 2nd document, which was a series of the same
formatted table, which I set up the same way, I didn't use any bold anywhere
and I still had the same problem but it didn't start happening until after I
had entered data in about 10 tables. Later on, I went back to some of the
first tables to enter data and had the same problem where I hadn't had the
problem when I first created the table and entered the original data. Hope
this is enough information.
Please tell us more about how you created the tables. It matters whether you
[quoted text clipped - 16 lines]

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