bold in caption


Young-Hwan Choi


My caption looks like - Figure 1-2. Description...
And the code looks like - Figure { STYLEREF 1 \s }-{ SEQ Figure \* ARABIC \s
1 }

What I want is to have the words "Figure 1-2." in bold, but the text
"Description" is in plain.
Is there any easy way?


Charles Kenyon

Add the following at the end of the field:
\* CharFormat
and format the "S" in StyleRef as Bold (or the entire word).
Charles Kenyon

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Young-Hwan Choi

Hello. thanks for the reply.
But, for some reason, I cannot make it.

Here's what I've done.
Select the first caption, toggle field codes, add the part you wrote to the
end of the field (so it looks like { SEQ Figure \* ARABIC \so 1 \* Char }),
toggle field codes, change the font to bold (only Figure 1-1.), select all
document (Ctrl A), F9 to update...

None of the caption is changed except for the one I changed manually.
I am using a caption style I made "Caption - Figure", which defines only the
line spacing. And the font is defined as plain in the style...

Am I missing something?


Young-Hwan Choi

The code looks
{ SEQ Figure \* ARABIC \s 1 \* CharFormat }
(spell check did something...)

Charles Kenyon

{ STYLEREF 1 \s \* CharFormat }-{ SEQ Figure \* ARABIC \s 1 \* CharFormat }
With codes displayed, bold the whole thing!
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

Word Resources Page

See also the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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