Bold not working, font changing, alignment changing

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Cut and paste, bold not working properly

I built a fax wizard, and tried to cut and past my info from the top of my
resume. However, when I pasted it some forn changed to from Times New Roman
to Arial, the alignment of the whole thing became different, the size of the
letters changed, and some bold letters changed to unbold. When I tried to fix
the bold like I usually do (select whole group of words and push bold once or
twice to eventually make it all bold) the words that were bold became unbold
and the unbold became bold. Is there some property that needs to be turned
off to make bold not do the reverse of whatever bold state it is in? And is
there a property that makes stuff cut paste exactly the same?

Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hi c&p
I built a fax wizard,

you mean a fax template, or an actual wizard?

and tried to cut and past my info from the top of my
resume. However, when I pasted it some forn changed to from Times New Roman
to Arial, the alignment of the whole thing became different, the size of the
letters changed, and some bold letters changed to unbold.

"Works as designed!" :)

Word is build that, as per default, pasted text takes on the formatting
of the document it's pasted into. Or rather: the styles in the target
document rule over the styles in the source.

You can explore Edit | Paste Special to see whether you get a better
result with another option there. If you fax this document
"traditionally,", then printing out your resume and fax it on a 2nd
sheet is the easiest approach.

Pasting the stuff in and restyling it might not take much more time, though.


Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?Q3V0IGFuZCBwYXN0ZSwgYm9sZCBub3Qgd29ya2luZyBwcm9wZXJseQ==?=,
I built a fax wizard, and tried to cut and past my info from the top of my
resume. However, when I pasted it some forn changed to from Times New Roman
to Arial, the alignment of the whole thing became different, the size of the
letters changed, and some bold letters changed to unbold. When I tried to fix
the bold like I usually do (select whole group of words and push bold once or
twice to eventually make it all bold) the words that were bold became unbold
and the unbold became bold. Is there some property that needs to be turned
off to make bold not do the reverse of whatever bold state it is in? And is
there a property that makes stuff cut paste exactly the same?
From the sound of it, you're running into the formatting / styles of the target
document overriding what you're pasting in. If you want to retain the formatting
from your resume, you need to define a set of unique styles in that document
that contain that formatting. Then the style will copy with the text.

The behavior you're seeing with the "bold" is because "bold" (and italics and
some other formatting) is a "toggle" format. You may first need to remove all
direct formatting before you can apply the bold "evenly": select the text and
press Ctrl-Spacebar.

If you need more assistance, you have to tell us which version of Word you're

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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