Bold the number only in a concatenated with text formula...



I have this formula: =IF(K65>H65,"Download is "&ROUND(H65/K65,2)&" times
faster","Upload is "&ROUND(K65/H65,2)&" faster") and would like to bold the
result only and not the text, so just the H65/K65 or K65/H65 value. Can do?



ONe way to do what you want is to use three cells for your
"result".....having your leading text in one cell, your math result in the
one to the right of that, and your trailing text in the next one to the
right..............then you could not only BOLD the math result, you could
increase it's fontsize and/or change the color.

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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