Booklet printing in Word 2004?


Timothy J. Luoma

New 2004 user here.

I'm looking for someplace that will let me print a booklet, that is, a two
sided document in landscape format

Usually this involves editing a document as usual, but the word processor
knows to print like this (excuse the lousy ASCII art)

| |
| page 4 | page 1 |
| | Sheet #1
| |
| |
| |

| |
| page 2 | page 3 |
| | Sheet #2
| |
| |
| |

Each page is 1/2 of an 8.5x11 sheet of paper in landscape layout. Sheet
#2 can be printed on the back of Sheet #1 (ideally)

so that when the pages are put together and folded down the middle, it
makes a booklet.

Does Word2004 have this feature, and if so how do I use it?


new to Mac OSX, new to Office 2004, new to Word
(formerly using WinXP w/ WordPerfect 9)

Elliott Roper

Timothy J. Luoma said:
New 2004 user here.

I'm looking for someplace that will let me print a booklet, that is, a two
sided document in landscape format

Usually this involves editing a document as usual, but the word processor
knows to print like this (excuse the lousy ASCII art)

| |
| page 4 | page 1 |
| | Sheet #1
| |
| |
| |

| |
| page 2 | page 3 |
| | Sheet #2
| |
| |
| |

Each page is 1/2 of an 8.5x11 sheet of paper in landscape layout. Sheet
#2 can be printed on the back of Sheet #1 (ideally)

so that when the pages are put together and folded down the middle, it
makes a booklet.

Does Word2004 have this feature, and if so how do I use it?


new to Mac OSX, new to Office 2004, new to Word
(formerly using WinXP w/ WordPerfect 9)

Welcome to Macland.

You arrived a few weeks too late. We went through that here then.

The result of which, after I posted a klugy procedure that only worked
for perfect binding, someone found "Cheap Imposter" by Dylan MacNamee
Get it from

It does the job, although it would have been nice if MS had included
this in Word in place of 10,000 [1] stupid drawing commands that would
only impress a hormonal teenager with a social disorder.

The drawback is that it currently does not compensate for page
creep,[2] and of course that it geometrically reduces the type size.
For those with heightened typographic sensibilities that is a bit of a
bummer, but it is good enough for government work.

1. I tested cheap imposter by printing out all 28 pages of the keyboard
shortcuts. 8 1/2 pages of which were "Draw..." commands, which, I wish
to inform any Microsoft Mac BU people here, that I promise never to
use, even if tortured.

2. Yippee! Page creep compensation is in the latest version. Dylan, you
are a star! My $35 is on its way!

Gene van Troyer

The result of which, after I posted a klugy procedure that only worked
for perfect binding, someone found "Cheap Imposter" by Dylan MacNamee
Get it from

That was me. :)

Yes, CI compensates for "page creep" now. Of course, when the US Letter size
pages using 12 point type are reduced to fit two to a sheet, you wind up
with something like 8-9 point type. If that's a problem, you need to
compensate in the document to be imposed by using type sizes a couple of
points larger.

CI is by far much better than its shareware alternatives, BookLightning
($50) and CocoaBooklet (Freeware).The latter is slow and not very reliable,
and the former doesn't compensate for page creep or have many options for
paper sizes.

Why didn't MS include something like this as a feature in Word? Well, the
Mac BU has to keep *something* on the backburners for future Office

Gene van Troyer

Timothy J. Luoma

Thanks. I'm terrible with names. I should have searched it up. ;-)

Microsoft folks seem to have a habit of leaving out blatantly obvious
features in one release that is available in another.


I wish they hadn't killed WordPerfect, which was such a better program.


Elliott Roper

Microsoft folks seem to have a habit of leaving out blatantly obvious
features in one release that is available in another.


Hit the feedback button in Word. Write them a whiny letter asking why
there is no simple imposition and proper typography and why it is
bloated with useless draw commands. If they ask if you are me using a
pseudonym, say you have never heard the name ;-)

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