

Judy L

I have to type out some recipes in a booklet form - ie one recipe on both
sides of the paper after its folded in half.

Is there a special way to do this, or is it done in the printing setup?

Many thanks


Hi Judy,

In Word 2003 I find the easiest way to do this is to start with a new
blank document and first go to Page Setup. Then choose Margins.
You'll see a section that says "multiple pages". Here you can select
"2 pages per sheet", or "bookfold" whichever you prefer, and the
program will automatically reset your document to the Landscape
orientation. You'll then see your document in Print Layout view as two
sheets one following the other.

Type your recipe (one per sheet) separately and when you go to Print
Preview, you will see how your pages will look. Even though they
appear as 2 separate pages, they will still print out on one page that
you can fold over.

Hopefully this will work for you!



"Bookfold" is the selection to use if you want your recipes to print on
both the front and back of the paper, so as you flip through the book,
you see print on both sides. I don't have a fancy printer, so when I
go to Print, I choose "manual duplex" and that allows me to flip my
page over to print on the other side.


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