booklets with images that span pages


Norm & Debra

Hi, I've been searching around the internet for a way to make a
booklet and came across cocoa booklet from this string of messages. I
made my booklet with pages, on standard page size in landscape view.
On landscape view I put two 'booklet pages' on each page with the idea
that I would print and fold. I was hoping that coca would split those
pages and reorder them for printing but it sees each page (on which I
put two booklet pages) as only one booklet page. I can't split the
pages up easily because I have text and pictures that span the middle
of the page.

Any one have thoughts on how I can print my booklet out? Thanks in


Elliott Roper

Norm & Debra said:
Hi, I've been searching around the internet for a way to make a
booklet and came across cocoa booklet from this string of messages. I
made my booklet with pages, on standard page size in landscape view.
On landscape view I put two 'booklet pages' on each page with the idea
that I would print and fold. I was hoping that coca would split those
pages and reorder them for printing but it sees each page (on which I
put two booklet pages) as only one booklet page. I can't split the
pages up easily because I have text and pictures that span the middle
of the page.

Any one have thoughts on how I can print my booklet out? Thanks in
I think cocoa booklet simply imposes A4 to A5 or whatever the half size
of 'Letter' is in the former colonies. It is excellent, but does not do
what you want.
Normally you would create a document of A4 or 'standard' pages then get
cocoa booklet to impose a booklet of A5 pages printed double sided on
A4 paper which you can staple and fold.
To do what you want without playing absolutely silly games you need to
pay absolutely silly money. In other words - Adobe InDesign.
There you design an A5 booklet spread by spread, then do a little dance
at print time and it comes out lovely.

Word is rubbish at stuff like imposing booklets. For a start, it has no
idea of pages, let alone spreads.
Word is rubbish at page layout. Period. It is a 'word processor' they
will tell you.

If you do want to play absolutely silly games, then build everything in
text boxes, including splitting your spread illustrations in half. You
could still work in A4 or Letter and get cocoa booklet to do some of
the imposition.
Or you could continue using A4 (or 'standard') and text boxes in
landscape and do the imposition in your head, working out which page in
Word will be the next page in the booklet. Then fight with the double
sided print dialog as it applies to your printer.

I feel ill at the thought. I may have to lie down.

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