Bookmark display


Craig Schiller

Hi, all -

I have a page of FAQs on my website, where the topics at the top of the
page are links to bookmarks of discussions of those items lower in the
page. In other words. links at top, discussion below.

The links at top are configured to change color and change to small caps
when hovered over.

In IE, everything works as it should. In Netscape 7, however, the target
bookmarks also change color and change to small caps when hovered over,
which, since they are not links, they shouldn't do, and of course is

How do I prevent this behavior in Netscape?

URL is

TIA for any suggestions.



I am guessing here that you have a style set up similar to
a:hover {text-transform:capitalize;}

The above might affect all anchors, whether they are links or bookmarks.

One solution is to place the links in a <div> and change the style sheet to
refer to the div.
#faq a:hover {text-transform:capitalize;}

<div id=faq>
links to bookmarks

Craig Schiller

Ronx -

Thanks for your reply.

Actually, the code in the page is:

<style fprolloverstyle>A:hover {color: #FF0000; font-variant: small-caps;
font-weight: bold}

The question is why is Netscape parsing this incorrectly (applying the effect
to a bookmark) while IE parses it correctly (does not apply the effect to a
bookmark). Or, really, more importantly. how to defeat this behavior in



The A:hover pseudo element is not officially defined, so is open to
interpretation by different browsers (see

My solution, wrapping the links in a <div> and amending the style sheet as
described below, should resolve the problem on *this page, on other pages a
<span> might be more appropriate.

I generally bookmark borderless images or use empty bookmarks, example: <a
name="ex"></a> which are not recommended since they allegedly fail in some
browsers (I have yet to find a browser they fail in - though I have not
tested any Apple-Macs.) These bookmarks do not display any hover
characteristics at all.

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