Bookmark page/section feature


Peter Bowyer


I would love a way to manage a list of quick-access bookmarks for OneNote
sections/pages. Like the way in the real world you stick post-it notes out
of folders, books etc so you can find your place.

My setup is complex enough in OneNote that I can't remember what section I
have stuff in. The search is good, but if I'm working in two totally
separate regions at once it gets a pain to have to use the search tool to
find each - or to memorise the path. Therefore a way to store quick links to
these pages would be excellent, so I can switch around quickly.

Erik Sojka (MVP)

As you're finding, that feature doesn't exist natively in OneNote. I use
the Note Flags and the folders/sections to separate out things, and I'm
usually not confused about where to go for certain types of information.

If the search works for you, you can work in one ON window, and then use
Window | New Window (or the KB shortcut Ctrl-M) to open up a second copy
of OneNote. Then you can switch between two sections more easily.

If you really want a quick access list, several options exist outside of

You could use FrontPage or a similar HTML editor to manually create a
Table of Contents, with hyperlinks to the *.ONE files you use frequently.

You can also create a folder in Explorer, with shortcut files of the
*.ONE files.


I have used Erik's suggestion with great success. I customized the flag
associated with Ctrl+5 and called @Favorites, this way it sorts to the top of
Note Flag Summary in the Task Pane.

Tip: with the focus on a OneNote page, click Ctrl+F1 to open the task pane,
the Ctrl+space to activate the list. (I've not figured out a way to hot key
to my page of choice.)

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Typically, the different Task Pane selections have their own two-step KB
shortcut using the menu accelerators (Alt+underlined letters).

Instead of activating the Task Pane then trying to figure out how to select
a particular TP, you can just select the desired item from the various


Erik, I double dog dare you to direct me to a list of such shortcuts. I
certainly haven't stumbled across them nor can I find them now. Thanks!

Kathy J

Since I am fairly certain that you don't mean that you haven't found the
list available from Help--> Keyboard shortcuts, can you tell me which
shortcuts you haven't found?

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Pick a Task Pane - Any Task Pane. I will get you there in 3 keypresses

All of the menu items (the File, Edit, Tools, etc. menus as well as the
commands on those menus) have KB accelerator keys. Press Alt-f for the
File Menu, then the underlined letter for the desired command.

Alt-F, N brings up the "New" Task Pane.
Alt-T, R brings up the "Research" Task Pane.

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