As I understand it, you have one template, and a whole lot of documents. If
it's just a small number of documents, then you could open up each document
manually and insert bookmarks with the new names. But if it's a large number
of documents, then you'll need to write some code to do this.
In my view it would be easier to change one template than change all those
documents, and cope with peculiarities that may have crept in to the
documents over time.
Unless there are conflicts in the naming (as opposed to mere changes), then
you could use code in the template that copes with the different naming
conventions that have been used over time. As some ideas (in pseudo-code):
- if the "Text1" bookmark exists, insert the person's name here
- else, if the "MyName" bookmark exists, insert the person's name here
- else, if the "Name" bookmark exists... and so on
- if the "Text1" bookmark exists, then salutation = "Dear " & text1 bookmark
- else, if the "MyName" bookmark exists, then salutation = "Dear " &
"MyName" bookmark value
- and so on.
Post back with specific code if you need more help.
Hope this helps.
Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.