

Rahul Aggarwal

I'm using Visual Studio 6 to write a Visual Basic app that opens an
existing word document template and makes a number of changes and
additions to it.

I'm having a difficult time in trying to, among other things, move the
cursor (the insertion point) to the end of the file or to a bookmark.
Here's the code:

Set CurrentDoc = GetObject("C:\data\SSATemplate.doc")
CurrentDoc.ActiveWindow.Visible = True

' Move cursor to a bookmark
CurrentDoc.ActiveWindow.Selection.Goto What:=wdGToBookmark,

/ Move cursor to the end of the document
CurrentDoc.ActiveWindow.Selection.Endkey Unit:=wdStory, Extend:=wdMove

The document opens with no problems but when I try to move the cursor
to the bookmark (the only bookmark in the entire document), I get the
error message:

Error 5102: You entered multiple destinations for a page, line,
footnote, endnote, or comment.

When I try to move the cursor to the end of the document, I get the
error message:

Error 4102: Bad parameter

I've tried everything I can think of to fix the problem, to no avail.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


There are variety of ways to do both. Here is one for

1. currentdoc.bookmarks("PathDataStart")

2. selection.start=currentdoc.range.end


Rahul Aggarwal

Thanks Moe,

But the document does not have a function called bookmarks. It has a
property "Bookmark".

Please tell me what to do.



You're correct that a document object has no bookmarks
function. But I never said or implied it did.

A Word document has a bookmarks collection, which
contains individual bookmarks. Each bookmark can be
referred to by index number or name (the code I gave you
references it by the name you gave us). Each bookmark has
a range property, which has a select method.

Ergo, the code I gave you will work fine. Perhaps there
is some other error in your macro. Or perhaps I've been
sloppy and just don't see my error.

All the best,


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