Bookmarks help



I keep getting an error for "object does not suppor this property"

I followed the code correctly by all the sites, any ideas?

Const fname = "C:\intestimate.doc"

Set x = CreateObject("Word.Application")
x.Documents.Open Filename:=fname, ReadOnly:=False
x.Visible = True

For i = 2 To 2
String0 = Worksheets("Bid").Cells(1, 2).Value & " : " &
Worksheets("Bid").Cells(i, 2)
String1 = "All Preparation Work as Stated Above"
String2 = Worksheets("Bid").Cells(1, 15).Value & " : " & "Apply " &
Worksheets("Bid").Cells(i, 15).Value & " coats interior flat latex paint of
highest quality"
String3 = Worksheets("Bid").Cells(1, 20).Value & " : " & "Apply " &
Worksheets("Bid").Cells(i, 20).Value & " coats interior flat latex paint of
highest quality"

scopeofwork = String0 & vbCr & String1 & vbCr & String2 & vbCr & String3
x.Bookmarks("ScopeofWork").Range.Text = scopeofwork

Next i

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