Using Word 2000.
I am building a document that I want to use to generate written
prescriptions for medicines. In order to control the exact placement of some
text and graphics on the page, I would like to use textboxes. However, when
I use the following code to do the insertion, the code can't find the
bookmarks that are inside a textbox.
In the instance of inserting text (for the final version of code, sBoxVal
and sMark are set from controls on a UserForm):
Sub Macro3()
Dim sBoxVal As String, sMark As String
sBoxVal = "SomeDrugName"
sMark = "DrugName"
Call FillMark(sMark, sBoxVal)
End Sub
Sub FillMark(sMark As String, sBoxVal As String)
'Go to bookmark and transfer the data.
Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=sMark
Selection.Range.Text = sBoxVal
End Sub
In the instance of inserting a graphic (in this case a .bmp of a signature
that will vary depending on what doctor is writing the prescription):
Sub Macro2()
'Go to Signature bookmark
Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="Signature"
'Insert Signature
Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture FileName:= _
ThisDocument.Path & "\JPM Signature.bmp" _
, LinkToFile:=False, SaveWithDocument:=True
End Sub
Both of these approaches seem to work if I am using bookmarks in the main
body of the document. I have discovered through fiddling around that if I
click on the desired textbox before running the macro so that it has the
focus before the macro runs the insertion works just fine. So, I think it
might work if I could figure out how to set the focus on the correct textbox
Thanks in advance
I am building a document that I want to use to generate written
prescriptions for medicines. In order to control the exact placement of some
text and graphics on the page, I would like to use textboxes. However, when
I use the following code to do the insertion, the code can't find the
bookmarks that are inside a textbox.
In the instance of inserting text (for the final version of code, sBoxVal
and sMark are set from controls on a UserForm):
Sub Macro3()
Dim sBoxVal As String, sMark As String
sBoxVal = "SomeDrugName"
sMark = "DrugName"
Call FillMark(sMark, sBoxVal)
End Sub
Sub FillMark(sMark As String, sBoxVal As String)
'Go to bookmark and transfer the data.
Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=sMark
Selection.Range.Text = sBoxVal
End Sub
In the instance of inserting a graphic (in this case a .bmp of a signature
that will vary depending on what doctor is writing the prescription):
Sub Macro2()
'Go to Signature bookmark
Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="Signature"
'Insert Signature
Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture FileName:= _
ThisDocument.Path & "\JPM Signature.bmp" _
, LinkToFile:=False, SaveWithDocument:=True
End Sub
Both of these approaches seem to work if I am using bookmarks in the main
body of the document. I have discovered through fiddling around that if I
click on the desired textbox before running the macro so that it has the
focus before the macro runs the insertion works just fine. So, I think it
might work if I could figure out how to set the focus on the correct textbox
Thanks in advance