Bookmarks not working in Adobe Acrobat



Using: Word 2007, Windows 7, Adobe Acrobat Pro 9.3.2.

Bookmarks are created in Acrobat based on my selections in the Preferences
menu in MS Word 2007. But they do not jump appropriately; some appear at the
top of the page, some in the middle, some with space preceeding and with
differing spaces. And I can't distinguish a pattern. I've attempted different
combinations in the accessibility options thinking this may be infuencing my
display; no luck.

I also have a numeric character string that's inserted before a StyleRef
built into to my Word headers. I've never seen this one before.

Please help! I'm on a deadline, have found nothing in online searches or
Adobe help/manuals, and am feeling quite helpless. Crossing fingers and
saying prayers not yet producing results...

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